Sister Sommers

Monday, December 29, 2014

I hope everyone had a good Christmas!
   On wenesday for Christmas eve we had zone training!!!! it was fun. it was a really good zone training they talked a lot about working with the bishop and gaining a good relationship with him. And that once we have the bishops trust we will get the wards trust. after zone training our ward mission leader invited our whole zone over for a Christmas lunch. So after zone training we all went to his house and had lunch together and took some photos so it was a lot of fun. At the end of that the elders all left and our ward mission leader asked if us sisters could stay longer. and they gave us each two really cute scarfs and then we had a little testimony meeting, it was really cool the spirit was super strong. Then after that we drove down the le mars for our Christmas eve. and we stayed at the le mars sister house and we decorated gingerbread houses. Then we all went to a member house in le mars and they through a Christmas eve party for us and they dressed up as santa and gave us all gifts all my stuff was pink wooh wooh!!! it was a really fun night and we played games with them it was a lot of fun!!!!!
    On Thursday it was Christmas we woke up and the member the le mars sisters live with told us to come down stairs and she had put together stockings for all of us. and then we all Christmas presents under the Christmas tree from eachother so we all sat down and opened the presents together. and we had breakfeast. I made something and sister nelson made something. but my gernman pancakes got messed up... I forgot to add the milk... ops. guess I better try it again :) :) lol then my comp and I drove down from le mars and we went to the ellis house and we got to facetime there. when we got there the elders were facetiming. and then we got to. which was a lot of fun I really enjoyed talking to my family!!! it was amazing!!! Then we spent sometime and hung out at the ellis it was a lot of fun! I love that family they are sooooo super sweet! then Christmas night I went home and opened all my presents. thank you everyone who sent me stuff I loved it all!!!!
     Saturday we had brunch at a members house then we went and taught Shannon and cory and renae and those lessons went really good. cory and renae should be getting baptized this week. their invterview is on WednesdaySaturday night we got to do service at a wedding recpeption we got to serve the food it was a lot of fun! we had a really great time!!!
     Sunday at church we had a good time. after church there was a little prob though we relized that our ward doesn't own any baptismal clothing. the other ward does but its really hard to borrow it from  them. and this Saturday the ward has 4 baptisms. two of them our ours. 1 of them is the elders and the other one is a 8 year old baptism. and so the bishop and ward mission leader talked and they solved it and are ordering some for our ward. a members mom is coming up from Idaho so she is going to buy some for the ward and she will bring them up with her and the ward is going to pay her back. im glad that that problem got solved. that was really good. our investigators mike and gabe that have been sick are now feeling better and were at church yesterday so that was really good we are going to be meeting with them this week.
   That was my week it was amazing. we had a really good Christmas we saw lots of miracles it was a lot of fun! thank you for the stuff everyone sent me and for the support everyone gives me. I love you all!!!
love sister sommers

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!
   Hey everyone! merry Christmas!!!! This week my comp and i were still sick for a lot of it and recorvering. sister musasu met with president Weston at zone conference and she said we have been sick for a while and he told her that we need to take the time to recover and not run faster then we have strength. But we both feel fully recovered now. So hopefully no more resting this week. lol
    on Monday last week we had a missionary pday and we had it at a members house is south Dakota and it was a lot of fun! they have a ping pong table so all of us missionarys had a ping pong war and we played volley ball outside. it was a lot of fun. the members left snack down stairs for us to, it was a really fun p day. haha i loved playing ping pong it was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     on Wednesday we were meeting with a sweet rcla family that we meet with a lot and they told us that there goal of the new years is to get to the temple. so we are going to start working on getting them to the temple. that was exciting.
      Thursday we had our Christmas zone conference. it was amazing!!!!! they trained a lot on the book of Mormon since we all just finished it. and our mission president committed us to read the book of Mormon 30 min a day the rest of our lifes. and he also talked a lot about acting and not being acted upon. and he talked a lot about attitude and being positive. and our theme for last year was pray to know and he announce the mission theme for this year which is be a preach my gospel missionary. it was really good i love all the training so much and i learned a lot!!!!!! it was one of my favorate zone confrences. then president and sister westons family made hats for all the missionaries which was really sweet. and president and sister Weston gave us these cute Omaha Nebraska mission things to go in our book of Mormons it is really cool. president and sister Weston are sooo amazing!
    On Saturday. we did service at bishops store house. then after. a family from 2nd ward watned to feed all the missionaries in Sioux city to say merry chirstmas. there are 16 missionaries total our here in Sioux city so there are 8 sets. and out here in Sioux city there are only 2 ward and a Spanish branch. so they prepared a meal at the church and we all meet at the church and they feed all 16 of us lunch which was really yummy. Then they had all of us stand say our name were we are from and how old we are. and then they thanked us for all of our service and they said they are greateful for all of us so this is how they wanted to thank us. Then the family passed our presents for all of us. which was sweet and we all opened it at the same time. They got matching ties for the elders and scarfs for the sisters. (we all wore them to church on sunday) then they brought card games and board games so we got to play games. it was a lot of fun!!!!
     After that we had a lesson with renae cory and Ashley our baptism sets for jan 3. they are progressing super well. and they for Christmas gave my comp and I these really cute neckalces which was really sweet. They are such an amazing family. im so greateful we get to work with them. our other 2 baptismal sets for jan 3 are not progressing so well. they have been really sick and we haven't been able to contact them. and so we are really going to try to contact them this week. Then Shannon who is set for jan 10 is progressing super well. she loves it all and is super prepared!!!!
      Sunday at church we were able to have 4 investigators attend and 9 returning members. which is really good. church Is something that is hard to get people to. so it was exciting seeing them all there. sunday night we tried people the whole night and no one let us in. but we still had a good night trying people haha it was fun.
    I hope yall have a merry Christmas!!!!!! I love you!
love sister sommers

oh funny story I forgot to put in the email. So yesterday night when we were trying a lot of people and nobody was letting us in. the elders gave us a referral we decided to try. So we knock on the door no answer so we knock again no answer so we decide to stand there for a while and finally this lady answers the door and she doesn't understand who we are asking for and you hear this guy in the back ground yell They better leave now or im going to sue them so he comes marching to the door and swings it open (he was angry) and he was going to get mad at us but he sees me and he points at me and say HOLY COW I HAVE SEEN YOU BEFORE!!!!!!! and he starts laughing and im like you have? and he starts talking to me and was super friendly and I have never seen him before and he said the persons house he has seen me at I don't even know them. but we ended up talking outside in the cold on the porch with him for about 15 min he wasnt interested in learning more but we gave him  a book of Mormon. and he was really nice. haha it was so funny because when he saw me his attitude changed and he was like I know you! haaha it was funny. it was a cool experience.
I love you all! merry Christmas!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Six Investigators Committed to Baptism!!

    This week we had district meeting and it was a lot of fun. our district leader likes doing themes so it was sweater wheather district meeting. so we all wore sweaters which was a lot of fun.
   After district meeting a member called and asked if we could do service for them. it was a sweet old couple in our ward, and they asked us the le mars sisters the Sioux city 1st elders. and the Spanish branch elders. and they had us decorate their Christmas tree and put their chirstmas decorations up and they feed us all dinner which was really nice.
    The le mars sisters stayed the night at our apartment because they didn't have time to leave and make it back to le mars in time. so they stayed with us. and in the morning sister muasau woke up sick and one of the le mars sisters sister nelson woke up sick. and sister muasau and I had a lot of apt. and so we got permission to go on an exchange. and have those to stay in and rest and me and sister batton go out and cover our apt. so we did that.
   while sister batton and I were out we set ashlee for baptism on dec 26 so she can be baptized with her brother and sister. Ashlee is the one who is hearing impaired so its a little harder teaching her but we are doing it and her mom is helping sign to her. and cory and renae are progressing really well to there baptismal date on dec 26th they are really excited I think they will make it. cory bore his testimony in sacretmentmeeting about how excited he is for his baptism. and they are reading there book of Mormon everyday the kids even bring it to school and read it there its sooo great!
    the next day le mars sisters went home. sister muasau and I worked for a couple hours then went in because she was still really sick and not doing well.
   on Saturday we went out and worked though because we had a lot of apt we needed to cover. we got a member referral a few weeks ago for a girl  name Shannon and we were able to contact her. she is sooo amazing and soo prepared we had a really good lesson with her. we set her for baptism on jan 10 and she is really excited. shes reading and praying and she came to church on sunday! shes really excited to be baptized so that was exciting.
    This area we are seeing so many miracles. its cool because sister muasau said the area wasn't like this before. but its amazing because we now have 6 baptismal sets. we have been seeing so many miracles!
    Transfers are this week I think sister muasau and I are both staying. today for p day we are having a sisters day so we are going to the mall with the other sisters and hanging out with them it will be fun. it will be us the Sioux city 2nd sisters and the hermanas so today will be a fun day! :)
    if anyone has been following the book of Mormon reading we are on page 525 and we will be finishing tomorrow.
love sister sommers I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Here is our mission presidents weekly email about reading the book of Mormon as a mission I really liked it so I thought you would like it. somehow our distrct got a day behind in the reading so we will finish it tomorrow I will just finish it tonight. but I love what he says about the book of Mormon and it helping to have a change of heart the book of Mormon is an amazing book I love it so much I love reading it. there were lots of sacrifices made by a lot of people so we could have it. so I enocuage you if you are not reading the book of Mormon daily to pick it up and start reading it daily you will be able to see the difference it is an amazing book!!!! here president westons email
Dear Sisters and Elders:

What a great time of this world to be a missionary! You are all doing fantastic! Even with the cold weather our baptism sets keep rising as well as lessons taught RC/LA. Our faith in finding through members is paying off! Also I feel our faith has increased as a result of the Book of Mormon. With our reading I just finished for the 43rd time. I will admit the focus on the change of heart through the Atonement has made this my best read ever! Thanks to all who have been reading along as a Mission, I pray this has been a great read for you as it has for me. I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!

With our up and coming Christmas Zone Conferences we look forward to hearing your insights on how this book has changed your heart and strengthened your testimony as well as those whom you have taught. "I told the brethren that the Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth and the keystone of our religion, and a man could get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book" (Joseph Smith). I know that, as a Mission, as we abide the precepts of this book, we will be nearer to God and have great success!

Thank you for your fasting and prayers for Elder Espinoza. He is in the Lord's hands and we know He can make him whole! Have a great week!


President Weston @47 BofM 531 Finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. "You learn to speak by speaking, to study by studying, to run by running, to work by working; in just the same way, you learn to love by loving" (About St. Francis de Sales).

"...for charity never faileth" (Moroni 7:46)

Monday, December 1, 2014

I had a great week!!

 I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving. for thanksgiving we had it with the ellis family it was a lot of fun! they are such a fun family and they love having missionaries over. its a lot of fun. they always have the missionaries over.
   On Saturday we had a cool experience. we were trying to contact a less active and they weren't home so we decided to try to street contact because a lot of people were outside because it was a beautiful day it was 50 degrees and the past days its been like 15 so since everyone was outside we were street contacting. and this guy was kicking a soccer ball and it rolled down a hill to us so I kicked back to him and he said thanks. and we started talking to him and it was really cool. my companion asked him if he belived in jesus and he said ya then I asked what church he went to and he said he didn't go to a church. so we started talking to him about our church and telling him what we belive. and he said its so cool the courage you girls have to stop some random person and tell them what you belive. and he said you girls are making impacts in the world. and he talked about how he is greatful we stopped him to talk to him. and we asked if he heard of the book of Mormon before and he said he has but hes never had one. so I asked if he wanted one and he was so greatful he was like yes I want one and so greatful for it. and we taught him on the side of the road for like 30 min. and he said we could come by this week and so we are going to teach him this week. it was a really cool st contact though. we know heavenly father placed us there for a reason it was a cool experience.
    oh so our two baptisms for dec 13 got pushed back to jan 3 because we still had a lot lessons we needed to teach mike and gabe but its really cool because they had experinces this week that helped make them stronger I think they will make it to the 3rd I know they will they are so great. cory and renee are still set for the 26 and they are progressing really well. they are great. cory has been reading the book of Mormon daily he even brings it to school. and he has been praying more and he gets all excited everytime he prays so its really cool. and renee is slowly starting to read the book of Mormon. but she is loving church and loves when we teach. Im excited I know they will make it to the 26.
    thank you so much for your emails and letters. I hope you all have a great week love sister sommers

Monday, November 24, 2014

Amazing Week!!

Hey everyone I had another amazing week here in Sioux city iowa.
   On Thursday we had dinner at our bishops house. He feed us and the elders and we talked about how the work was going it was really good.
   Then Friday we recived 2 refferrals from church head quarters and we tried to contact them both. One of them was for the arrowood family. So Michele arrowood is a less active who referred herself so we would find her. so we went by and she said she knows she is missing church in her life and she needs to get back to church. so we talked to her got to know her. she has 5 kids and 3 of them are over baptismal age. so we taught two of them corey and renee and set them both for baptism on Dec 26 and they are really excited!!!!! I am pretty posicitve they will make it to that date they are 10 and 11 years old. and they have a little sister that is 9 and her name is Ashley she is hearing impared and so we weren't able to teach her but we are going to bring someone who knows sign language to come teach with us and hopefully we will be able to set her for baptism. its amazing! right now we have 4 baptism sets and they are going to make it to there dates. on sunday we walked into church and we were gretting everyone at the door and we look iin the chappell and the arrowood family are all sitting in there with smiles on there faces they are so excited to be back at church and the kids are so excited to get baptized that was a huge miracle!!!
   On sunday we recived another referral from members its for a girl named Shannon who has been coming to church. she is 17 and her dad is catholic and she has been coming to our church and as said she wants to be baptized so we are going to start teaching her this week!!! pray for her that we will be able to set her this week :) lots of miracles are happening our ward mission leader brother walker told sister muasau and I yesterday that we are a powerful team and he thinks we don't even understand how powerful we are together. but he said heavenly father put us together for a reason. we had another great week full of miracles we were a star companionship this week and have 4 baptismal sets 2 for dec 13 and 2 for dec 26. please keep praying for us that we will keep seeing miracles and that our baptisms will keep progressing. I love you all thank you for everything. This week in district meeting im giving the training its on being accountable to the lord and showing you faith its going to be good. im excited for it. I love you
love sister sommers

I love you all thank you for your emails and prayers!!!!!!!!
  oh the next transfers will be dec 11th and for thanksgiving this week we are going to a members hosue so that will be lots of fun! I hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving!

Monday, November 10, 2014

A week full of Miracles!!

a week full of miracles!!!!!!
   So we had a lesson with our investigator and it was really cool because she worked as a dispatcher for the rail road in texas and she loved it and she misses it like crazy so I told her that my dad works for the rail road and it made her really happy. she says since she moved up here she hasn't found someone who works for the rail road and she thought she would and she was really missing it a lot. so then when I told her that it made her really happy and she really opended up to us and she really wants to learn more. it softened her heart to learning more I think so that was a really cool lesson we had. ahh I love her she is amazing!
     Then we had a less active feed us who has started coming back to church and wants to get back in. and when we were there she made a comment to us about how her sons are 9 and 10 and she wants them to be baptized. So they became new investigators that night and this week we are going to set them for baptism. yay we are really excited to start working with them and getting them ready. Then on sunday she brought a non member friend to church for the 2nd week in a row. and yesterday I was talking to her in the hall at church and I asked what she has liked about coming to our church and she made a comment and said I really like your church and I really would like to join it. and this was right after a lesson I just taught in gospel prinacables about eternal families. and her dad just passed away and I think she wants to be with her family forever. so then I explained our role as missionaries and I gave her a book of Mormon. and we set up a date to come and teach her and so she became a new investigator. and we are hoping this week we will be able to come by and set her for baptism to. yay 3 new investigators this week it was a miracle.
     we also went to the trail center with the young women this week and we brought an investigator and after the trail center they took us to the mall with them to shop (be proud of me I didn't buy anything.) and when we were there a girl from a part member family came and we found out that she is also wanting to be baptized she is starting really to enjoy church and she loved being with us and the young women on Saturday so this week hopefully we can teach her and set her for baptism :) please pray for us that we will be able to get these baptism sets this week.
    This week was full of miracles we worked really hard and we had hight numbers. we even beat some of our goals. it was really sweet. sister muasau was talking to me yesterday and she thanked me and said that I have really helped her be happy and helped her to have a good week. she said the numbers we got in a week are like the numbers they would get in a transfer. and she just felt really good and really happy. and she said that she thinks im already changing the area for good and I have only been here 1 week. I am so grateful that heavenly father has blessed us with so many miracles this week and im so grateful for him.
    So Sioux city is great! its HUGE! Not huge like fremont huge fremont was contry and had a million little towns Sioux city is huge compared to fremont. I haven't been in the city for a long time... driving has been different.. that's forsure will driving were in a big town haha but its been good adjusting hasn't been to bad. it just takes time but It really hasn't been that bad. I love it here a lot!!!!
    the area is really big we have 3 sets of missionaries. two sets of sisters us and the le mars sisters and we have a set of elders who are the zone leaders. we get to spend the weekends with the le mars sisters and go to church with them which is fun! us 4 have so much fun together. we think none of us will get transferred so we think we will all get to spend Christmas together woot woot that will be a blast!
   I love you all and hope you all had a great week!!!!
 love sister sommers

we prayed to see miracles and we saw it on a car lol heading up to Omaha to the trail center

us and le mars sisters in ou cute headbands for winter. we heard it was going to snow so we were getting ready

Monday, November 3, 2014

Not in Nebraska any more!!

  Hey everyone its sister sommers I am now in Sioux city iowa if you haven't heard. and we also get to go to south Dakota sometimes. :)
   So last Monday our zone had a zone p day and we played volley ball that was a lot of fun!!! my team one every game woot woot :) :) :)
   Thursday we found out about transfers and that I was leaving.
      Friday was Halloween. we went to the mission office at 1 and I left the mission office at 6. and so the whole day I pretty much hung out there talking to other missionaries as we waited for the transfer vans to drive around the mission. and once both of them were back from out west it was about 5:30 and and they loaded all 6 of us missionaries up that we going to Sioux city and so they had a truck and they put me a two other sisters in the truck with our suit cases in the back and then they had a car and they put the 3 elders in the car (one was elder saunders he is up in Sioux city with me so that's cool hes in the Spanish branch) and they gave us both gps with the address and they had us following the elders up. they gave us both gps just in case we got split up. so we left at 6 and it was an adventure.... the on ramp was closed and so we had to keep driving and found a new way to get on. and then we started heading down and we had the missionaires in Sioux city calling us asking when we will be there so they could meet us all there so we told them at 8:15 but then us and the elder stopped somewhere for dinner because we were all hungery and haven't eaten since 12 so we stopped half way to eat then we started going again and they ended up getting there at 9:15 and when we pull in there were a ton of missionaries in the parking lot I twas a lot of fun everyone was telling us hi and talking to us it was a lot of fun!!!!
     I am with sister muasau she is so much fun she is tongan and I love her!!! this area I feel like is going to be a struggle but its going to be amazing. sister muasau last comp just finished her mission and went home and she was really trunkie and so she didn't follow all the mission rules and she also told me president told her this is the most apostate part of the mission. and I think its because we are in a diff state and we never go into Nebraska really. and so we are all just out here. but I don't want to be apostate and disobedient and sister muasau doesn't either. and so we made a goal we are going to be exactly obedient and work our very hardest even when other missionaries aren't. but we are also going to have fun. sister muasau really had a hard past couple of transfers but she is a great missionary and we are going to see miracles. our ward mission leader is amazing also. he feeds us hif famous spagetthi every Saturday he feeds us and the elders and we have our coordianation meeting with him. he loves missionary work and is really wanting us to work hard and hes just really great!! 
    Im the senior comp so I get to drive.  we drive a 2014 Toyota corolla. and the ward is really nice its HUGE compared to fremont!!!!! we have a set of elders in our ward and 2 sets of sisters we have the le mars sisters and they are in a little town that president wants to try to get a branch there and we are the Sioux city first sisters. Im really excited these next few transferes are going to be amazing they are going to be hard but they are also going to be aton of fun im excited!!!!
    I love you all sooooooooo soooooooo soooooo much thank you for your letters emails support and prayers I love you and im so grateful for you. im grateful I get to be a missionary I love it out here its so amazing I love doing the lords work.
love sister sommers

pic of my quilt I was making in fremont its super cute they said they would finish it and mail it to me or I could pick it up after my mission
sister allan and sister crist (she is going to fremont) at the mission office
my new companion and I after church  :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Fun for Sister Sommers

   So this week on Tuesday we saw our recent convert Tae-Ana and we taught her a new member lesson the word of wisdom and she is 11 years old and it was really cool a few months ago when she received the gift of the holy ghost in her blessing it said she would serve a mission and bring this joy of the gospel to many people just like the sweet sisters brought it to her. and on Tuesdayshe shared with us this persasive essay she wrote for school (before this she never said anything to us about going on a mission) and the topic she chose was why should you serve a mission. and she gave us copies of her paper and it was really good! it was really cool reading her paper and she put a lot of good stuff in it. her teacher graded it and gave her an A on it. we thought it was cool she was being a missionary by writing that her teacher prob learned stuff about our church from reading her paper that was a seed she planted. so that was really cool
    so this week and the past few weeks have been kind of hard with teaching we have been working hard with members and a few less active but we pretty much have no investigators and the elders we serve with are in the same prob we are. we keep looking but we are struggling to find. and fremont has been tracted down really well. but I have faith that we will be able to find some people. we have been working with the members and because of that we saw some miracles this week. we called a member and she had two refferralls for us. she said she just asked her neightbors if they would like to talk to us and learn more and they said yes and so this Tuesday we are going by and the member said they are really excited! so that was a miracle
    Another miracle we had our ward haloween party on Saturday and there were over 100 people there which is HUGE for fremont. the place was filled with non members and less actives. tons of members brought non member friends and lots of our less actives came so that was a huge miracle it was really cool the party was a huge success!!! we also dressed up for the haloween party we dressed up as 50s so we wore poodle skirts and a member did our hair in a 50s style it was a lot of fun. and the elders match in 50s cloths and our ward mission leader (the member we live with) matched to. so that was a lot of fun!
     Then on sunday we had 7 less actives come to church on sunday which was really good! the past weeks we had about 2 or 3 and we also had 6 non members come to church our less actives and members brought non members which was really cool! 1 of the 6 non members is the elders investigator. the rest just came with people.. I have never seen so many non members at church before. it was amazing! and even though none of them are investigating. they are having seeds planted and one day they will. and we have been working with the members a lot and we see it paying off. great things are happeneing in fremont!!!! even though the past few weeks have been really hard and discouraging. I know we will be able to find people. miracles are always happening.
     Transfers are this week. im prob getting transferred so I will let you know next week were im at. thank you for your emails and letters!
love sister sommers

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fun pictures of Sister Sommers

This week we got to meet with a baptist pastor. he was really nice. (he started to bible bash a little) but we stopped it and told him thats not our purpose of comming. Later in the week we were trying a former and we were praying in the car. and this guy walks up to my window and so i roll it down and he started asking us questions and started bible bashing with us. it was sooo bad. he said he was a minister. we were just trying nicely to share scriptures. but he wasnt going to listen. so we told him we didnt want to argue and that we had to go. it was a crazy experince though we were there prob like 10 min. and he was yelling bible vesus that us and having us look them up then he was sharing not true stuff about joseph smith and the book of mormon. it was just a crazy experince. first time i have had someone walk to our car to bible bash because they see our name tags. 
   This week we did service for the member we live with and we made homemade apple sauce which was a lot of fun. and we canned the apple sauce and also salsa. it was fun. 
   oh we also got exciting news our mission president gave all of us permission to go to the movies on oct 10  to see meet the mormons if we have a inactive or non member come with us. so the members we live with invited there kids to come see it with us because all there kids are non members. and one of the daughters is comming with us and with the members we live with. so that will be a really fun experince. im really excited to be able to see it. we wil be buying our tickets this week :) 
i love you all and hope you all have a great week 
love sister sommers

Monday, September 22, 2014

Service is good!!

Hey this week was good
     Tuesday we went and had our apt with the first pastor. it went really well!!!!! our relief society pres was there and the first thing he said was we could discuss difference all day but thats no why im here. and we told him thats not why we are there either. we stated our purpose and told him we want to serve them. he was so nice we talked for a hour and he said he will be thinking of service that we can do with there church to help make valley a better place. and he also told us that there church feeds everyone in valley free every week on sunday. so he said we could help out with that. so we went and served food and it was so much fun. everyone loved us there and they were all asking us tons of questions it was amazing. and it was so much fun!!!! 
    We went and talked to the other pastor and he wasnt as nice. and wasnt really for it. so he said we  could come on saturday and wash there windows so we said okay and we took some ladies in the ward and we washed there windows really well. they werent there so we wrote a note to them and put it in there door. so that went really well. 
     tonight we have an apt with the baptism pastor. and when we talked to him. he was  like lds serve us??? and we were like ya no catch and he said we could come by tonight so we will see how that goes. :) 
    we had transfers this week and my comp and i stayed the same. :) 
       we have a member next week that wants us to come over for family night and she wants to teach us how to quilt. so that should be a lot of fun!!!! 
     we also had stake confrence this week and they talked about someone who came from the quarm of the 70. i dont know how to spell his name. it was really cool. we talked about the pioneers and how many of the pioneers that died in the winter quarters cemitary had many decidents that are here in nebraska who are not members of the church anymore and he talked about how they are in the spirit world praying that we will find there family to teach them the gospel. it was a really good talk he gave at stake confrence. 
    i will send pics in a diff email i love you all and hope you are safe and doing good!!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bed Bugs YUCK!!!

this week was really eventful...
   so at zone conference a few weeks ago they talked about how Nebraska is abouyt the 3 in the nation for bed bugs gross and they talked about how a lot of missionary housing is getting bed bugs. so they told us they declare war on bed bugs and they told all of us when we get home to do a deep bed bug inspection and they gave us a list of things everyone needs to do. so we did it and we found nothing.
   so this week we had a really SCARY EXPERINCE!!!!!!!! So on Tuesday after district meeting a member in the ward asked if us and the elders could do service for him and help him move.  so we went by and after the elders didn't know how to get somewhere so i told them they could use my gps because we didn't need it that day. so on Wednesday my comp and i are getting reading to go see a less active and my comp sister allan starts screaming and finally she calms down and im like what? and she said look at my arm there is a bed bug on my sleeve. and so i grabed a tissue and killed it. so then we called the sister incharge of housing and she said since that was the only sign and we don't have any other signs of them she gave us some steps we need to do to prevent them.
    Then the elders text us and say they are done with the gps and ask were they can meet us to drop it off so we said we were at walmart and so they came and dropped it off and my comp felt prompted to tell them about the bed bug on her sleeve. (which we weren't going to tell anyone) and one of the elders said oh we found a bed bug on the ground in our apartment last night. and so we figured out were it came from and it was from doing service and helping that member move so the sister in charge told us all buy stuff at Wal-Mart to spray our rooms and cars. so we did and we found out that we just had that one bed bug in our car and it was prob from having the members stuff in our car but we didn't have anything else and the elders also have checked and checked and they said that was the only bed bug they found to. so we got lucky and heavenly father blessed us which was good we were so scared. but we are blessed it was just one and that's there are no more at all. both the elders and my comp said they have had bed bugs in there past apartments were they have lived on there missions i have never had bed bugs and im so grateful i haven't i am going to make it my whole mission with out getting them because they are a lot of work and it takes way from your proselyting time. i have been blessed that's forsure.
     Thuesday we went to meet with our investigator that's a johovahs witness and she brought one of her friends from her church and they ended up bible bashing us... it was a really hard lesson. then they ended up dropping us at the end... this week we also have been dropped by a few other investigators to.. its really hard being dropped sometimes. 
     Saturday we had a ward party at a members lake house. oh it was so hard i wanted to go on the boat so bad. and wanted to swim. but it was still a lot of fun. sister allan and i are working on finding new investigators. we have been able to do a lot of service lately which has been fun helping out the members.
    this is from our mission presidents email this week i thought it was cool
Dear Sisters and Elders:

I hope all of you got caught in the flood this past week? Yes, the flood! The Book of Mormon is flooding this mission! Last week alone we had over 265 books loaned out! Many will be busy teaching with those return appointments! What a blessing this book is. Sister Weston made the comment on how many times the Lord is involved on every page just as He is involved in the details of your lives in this great work. Just by having a Book of Mormon in hand and showing forth that faith, the Lord is finding ways for you to find the elect. "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled, and if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them" (1 Nephi 17:3). Thank you for your obedience and your hard work! I know the Lord is mindful of you. Enjoy the flood and have a great week!


President Weston @35, B of M Page 70

P.S. "May I commend you faithful Saints who are striving to flood the earth and your lives with the Book of Mormon. Not only must we move forward in monumental manner more copies of the Book of Mormon, but we must move forward into our lives and throughout the earth more of its marvelous messages. This sacred volume was written for us-for our day. Its scriptures are to be likened unto ourselves" (1 Nephi 19:23)(President Ezra Taft Benson).
its been so grate focusing on the book of Mormon i have enjoyed studying it the book of Mormon is an amazing book i love it. we are on page 70 of the book of Mormon for those who are reading. its only 5 pages a day.

thank you all of your emails and letters i love you!!!!!!
pic of me holding a small garden snake from service
me driving on a dirt road in the rain again trying not to get stuck in the mud again
my warning

Monday, August 11, 2014

Lots of fun things going!!

This week was good. :) on tuesday we recived two referrals in less then an hour from church head quarters (which never happens) so we went to go contact them. and the first one kaitlyn she was so excited. she requsted a book of mormon. and she said we can teach her. she told us she feels like she is missiing something in her life. and she has a friend that is a member and she has looked into the church and she thinks this is what she needs so we are really excited to start teaching her this week. 
   saturday we were helping one of our recently active members count her change. she said that she needs to pay her tithing or she wont be able to go to the temple. so we counted her change saturday it was 51 dollars so she paid her tithing with that on sunday. in a big bag. the member of the bishoprick that was mad at us last week got mad at her with us there and he was asking her if she knew what a bank was. and she was trying to tell him the bank was closed and this was the only way she would be able to pay her tithing. and i tried telling him that and he wouldnt listen to me either.  which he didnt know when he was saying this to her. the stake president was behind him listening to it all. and the stake president came over and shook his hand and said its okay he can use the exerise. then he shook her hand and said keep bringing in the change. and he walked out the door. so we thought that was really funny :) :) :) 
   transfers are this week. i think my comp and i are both staying the same. i hoppe we are. i love you all thank you for the support you give me and for all the letters and emails. i love you bunches
love sister sommers 
i love you all

 so last week i forgot to share another cool experience we had. so at the trail center (winter quarters) every friday in august they are doing a special fireside to end summer. They told all of us missionaries we are invited to go if we bring an investigator. and if we dont have enough miles we need someone to drive us. 
    So we had a sweet member in our ward who told us how her sons girl friend is not a member and how her son is away for work for the summer so she has been able to have time to talk to his girl friend. and some how talk about the church came up. and she mentioned how she really wants to learn more. and we were talking to them and we invited emily (the non member) and sister robinson to the trail center. emily got permission from her parents to go. the fireside at the trail center. they were watching 17 mitiacles. and the spirit was so strong. the whole room was filled with missionaries and there investigators. and it was amazing sitting watching it and thinking that right out side of here is a cemetrary were lots of these pioneers past way. there was an extra sweet spirit being in the trail center watching 17 miriacles. then after the movie we walked the cemtary with emily and we went in from the the temple. and walked around it. it was amazing. the drive home we talked to her and invited her to talke the lessons and she said yes. she really wants to learn for herself that this is true. She said its going to be have to be slow because  her parents are luthran and they arent for her learning more. and she wouldnt be able to join till she is 19 (thats the legal age in nebraska) 
     This week we taught the frist part of the restoration to emily and at the end i asked her to pray if it was true. the spirit was soooo strong. and you can tell she knows its true. she is amazing. im excited to see her keep progressing. she is amazing
    friday saturday and sunday my comp and i were sick. we actually had to miss church because we were to sick. i had the flu really baddly and my comp had a cold virus and then she got the flu. it was really hard. being sick on your mission is horriable. but we are doing better now :) 
   hope yall are doing great!!!!
photos from last week:)

Monday, July 14, 2014

Sister Sommers got a baptism!!!

hey so this week was really good. we saw a lot of miricles.
   So all week we helped prepare Tae-Ana for her baptism. Saturday she got baptized and it was amazig!!!!! she was really excited and the baptism the spirit was so strong. after the baptism we went to teach our investigator mark who is set for august 23 and is really excited for baptism. but while we were teaching him we had another investigator chris with us. and the sisters have been teaching her for about 7 months. and during that time she says she will not get baptized because she has already been baptized catholic. but she has been coming to church every sunday for 5 months. so when we were teaching her we felt prompted to ask her if she would want to be baptized. and she opened up and told us why she doesn't want to be baptized
      She said that she is afraid of the water and doesn't want to drown... so we told her that if she wanted to be baptized we promised her she wouldn't drown and we told her that both of the elders could be in the water why she is being baptized. so she is safe. and she said ya then if I have another people with me then  yes I will be baptized. and we said okay how about we plan this for two weeks. and she said NO THIS WEEK. which was a huge MIRACLE.  so we said okay and so this Saturday she is getting baptized!!!!! we have baptisms two weeks in a row!!! and the elders will baptize her and both of them will be in the water with her, so she feels safe. I am so excited. I didn't think I was going to be able to see her be baptized. she has had all the lessons she comes to church every week she is so ready!!!!! that was a huge miriacle!!!! and after her baptism on the 19 my comp and I get to go to the temple and see the members we live with get sealed!!!!!! Saturday will be a really great day!!!!
     subday Tae-Ana got confirmed and when she was getting confirmed. in the blessing it said that she would be serving a mission and later getting married in the temple which was really really cool. and it said she will bring the gospel to many just like the sisters that brought the gospel to her. So that was really cool. and the spirit was soooo strong in her blessing it was amazing!!!!
    So heather from last week is back in her home and she is safe. the guy totally destroyed her home but we did service and helped pick it up. and he is now in jail. which is good.
     us and the elders in our ward got this cool thing we might be able to do service for its called. Habatat for humanity and they build houses. so us and the elders might be able to do service for them and work in there shop and also help paint. and do stuff they need. we meet them and they said they need volunteers so next week we will go by and and see what days they want us to come help. which will be a lot of fun. The elders and sisters in our misson in grand island did it and they said they got tons of new investigators from it. so we will see if we get to volunteer there.
love you
sister sommers
These pics are at Tae-Ana's baptism they are of my comp and I Tae-Ana her little sister and her mom.

so in Nebraska there are a lot of churches everywhere. This is the church that is right next door to our church... they are missing some letters.... its been like that for 3 months and they haven't fixed it yet. haha I thought that was funny though

Monday, June 30, 2014

Transfers this last week!!

Transfers were this week. my comp sister simmons got transferred. so her and I were together for only two transfrers. My new comp is Sister Allan her and I were in the mtc together so we came out together. she is really sweet. she is from vegas and she is a convert of 4 years.
    zone leaders called us and Thursday and told us we need to be at transfer point in Omaha at 8 so we had to leave at 7 and when we got there we found out neither of our comp were going to be there till 3 because my comp was in York which was 3 hours away and she had to wait for the  transfer van to come get her. so my comp and I went with another sister and we works in her area till it was time for transfer vans to make it back to Omaha.
    That night sister allan and I had an apt with our bishop he was feeding us dinner (this is his first time having us over while I have been here) and so we decided to do a family mission plan with him. and at the end of it he looks at us and says if that is the family mission plan you are going to do with all the members you are going to see miricles he said he has had tons of missionarys do family mission plans with him and that was the best one by far that missionaries have ever done with him. then he told us he feels like sister allan and I are going to have lots of success and miricles in this area he thinks. so that was really nice and cool
     Saturday night we went to go see a less active we are working with. and this guy just walks into her house with tons of knifes in his belt and he was like to her are you okay and she said yes and he was just staring at us and he left and we were like who was that and she was like oh its one of my friends hes nice and we were like okay... so then he starts like walking in front of her aPARTMENT and sitting outside of it and then he was walking circles around our car looking at it and we were getting really worried so we were sharing a message and just holding my pepper spray in my hand. and then he just walked in again. and really loudly he yelled. ARE YOU MORMON????????? we were a little afaid to answer and we said yes we are.... and all of a sudden his tone changed and he had a huge smile on his face and he said im Mormon to. :) and so then we dropped the pepper spray and put it in my bag with out him noticing and we started talking to him and he said he hasn't gone to church for two years but he was hoping to find the church in fremont so he could start coming to it because he wants to become active and hopefully serve a mission. so we asked him about the knifes and he said he only has them because he was coming to fremont from Colorado to come help his sister out who has been sick (who we found out is actually one of our investigators) and on his way his car broke down so he walked the rest of the way to Nebraska. and it took him 15 days so that's why he has the knifes. and we asked him how come he knew we were Mormon. and he said he noticed our car. and he said he noticed we had the nicest car in the whole parkin lot and all the rest were junk then he just knew we were Mormons and felt like he needed to come ask us if we were. and he came to church on sunday and he has been reading the book of momron again. that was a crazy experience that was scary but it turned out to be a huge miracle we are pulling his records here and reactivating him. the ward loved him yesterday.
     That was pretty much our week it was really good. I hope your all doing good. I love you!!!
love sister sommers