Sister Sommers

Monday, August 11, 2014

Lots of fun things going!!

This week was good. :) on tuesday we recived two referrals in less then an hour from church head quarters (which never happens) so we went to go contact them. and the first one kaitlyn she was so excited. she requsted a book of mormon. and she said we can teach her. she told us she feels like she is missiing something in her life. and she has a friend that is a member and she has looked into the church and she thinks this is what she needs so we are really excited to start teaching her this week. 
   saturday we were helping one of our recently active members count her change. she said that she needs to pay her tithing or she wont be able to go to the temple. so we counted her change saturday it was 51 dollars so she paid her tithing with that on sunday. in a big bag. the member of the bishoprick that was mad at us last week got mad at her with us there and he was asking her if she knew what a bank was. and she was trying to tell him the bank was closed and this was the only way she would be able to pay her tithing. and i tried telling him that and he wouldnt listen to me either.  which he didnt know when he was saying this to her. the stake president was behind him listening to it all. and the stake president came over and shook his hand and said its okay he can use the exerise. then he shook her hand and said keep bringing in the change. and he walked out the door. so we thought that was really funny :) :) :) 
   transfers are this week. i think my comp and i are both staying the same. i hoppe we are. i love you all thank you for the support you give me and for all the letters and emails. i love you bunches
love sister sommers 
i love you all

 so last week i forgot to share another cool experience we had. so at the trail center (winter quarters) every friday in august they are doing a special fireside to end summer. They told all of us missionaries we are invited to go if we bring an investigator. and if we dont have enough miles we need someone to drive us. 
    So we had a sweet member in our ward who told us how her sons girl friend is not a member and how her son is away for work for the summer so she has been able to have time to talk to his girl friend. and some how talk about the church came up. and she mentioned how she really wants to learn more. and we were talking to them and we invited emily (the non member) and sister robinson to the trail center. emily got permission from her parents to go. the fireside at the trail center. they were watching 17 mitiacles. and the spirit was so strong. the whole room was filled with missionaries and there investigators. and it was amazing sitting watching it and thinking that right out side of here is a cemetrary were lots of these pioneers past way. there was an extra sweet spirit being in the trail center watching 17 miriacles. then after the movie we walked the cemtary with emily and we went in from the the temple. and walked around it. it was amazing. the drive home we talked to her and invited her to talke the lessons and she said yes. she really wants to learn for herself that this is true. She said its going to be have to be slow because  her parents are luthran and they arent for her learning more. and she wouldnt be able to join till she is 19 (thats the legal age in nebraska) 
     This week we taught the frist part of the restoration to emily and at the end i asked her to pray if it was true. the spirit was soooo strong. and you can tell she knows its true. she is amazing. im excited to see her keep progressing. she is amazing
    friday saturday and sunday my comp and i were sick. we actually had to miss church because we were to sick. i had the flu really baddly and my comp had a cold virus and then she got the flu. it was really hard. being sick on your mission is horriable. but we are doing better now :) 
   hope yall are doing great!!!!
photos from last week:)

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