Sister Sommers

Monday, September 22, 2014

Service is good!!

Hey this week was good
     Tuesday we went and had our apt with the first pastor. it went really well!!!!! our relief society pres was there and the first thing he said was we could discuss difference all day but thats no why im here. and we told him thats not why we are there either. we stated our purpose and told him we want to serve them. he was so nice we talked for a hour and he said he will be thinking of service that we can do with there church to help make valley a better place. and he also told us that there church feeds everyone in valley free every week on sunday. so he said we could help out with that. so we went and served food and it was so much fun. everyone loved us there and they were all asking us tons of questions it was amazing. and it was so much fun!!!! 
    We went and talked to the other pastor and he wasnt as nice. and wasnt really for it. so he said we  could come on saturday and wash there windows so we said okay and we took some ladies in the ward and we washed there windows really well. they werent there so we wrote a note to them and put it in there door. so that went really well. 
     tonight we have an apt with the baptism pastor. and when we talked to him. he was  like lds serve us??? and we were like ya no catch and he said we could come by tonight so we will see how that goes. :) 
    we had transfers this week and my comp and i stayed the same. :) 
       we have a member next week that wants us to come over for family night and she wants to teach us how to quilt. so that should be a lot of fun!!!! 
     we also had stake confrence this week and they talked about someone who came from the quarm of the 70. i dont know how to spell his name. it was really cool. we talked about the pioneers and how many of the pioneers that died in the winter quarters cemitary had many decidents that are here in nebraska who are not members of the church anymore and he talked about how they are in the spirit world praying that we will find there family to teach them the gospel. it was a really good talk he gave at stake confrence. 
    i will send pics in a diff email i love you all and hope you are safe and doing good!!!!!

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