Sister Sommers

Monday, December 29, 2014

I hope everyone had a good Christmas!
   On wenesday for Christmas eve we had zone training!!!! it was fun. it was a really good zone training they talked a lot about working with the bishop and gaining a good relationship with him. And that once we have the bishops trust we will get the wards trust. after zone training our ward mission leader invited our whole zone over for a Christmas lunch. So after zone training we all went to his house and had lunch together and took some photos so it was a lot of fun. At the end of that the elders all left and our ward mission leader asked if us sisters could stay longer. and they gave us each two really cute scarfs and then we had a little testimony meeting, it was really cool the spirit was super strong. Then after that we drove down the le mars for our Christmas eve. and we stayed at the le mars sister house and we decorated gingerbread houses. Then we all went to a member house in le mars and they through a Christmas eve party for us and they dressed up as santa and gave us all gifts all my stuff was pink wooh wooh!!! it was a really fun night and we played games with them it was a lot of fun!!!!!
    On Thursday it was Christmas we woke up and the member the le mars sisters live with told us to come down stairs and she had put together stockings for all of us. and then we all Christmas presents under the Christmas tree from eachother so we all sat down and opened the presents together. and we had breakfeast. I made something and sister nelson made something. but my gernman pancakes got messed up... I forgot to add the milk... ops. guess I better try it again :) :) lol then my comp and I drove down from le mars and we went to the ellis house and we got to facetime there. when we got there the elders were facetiming. and then we got to. which was a lot of fun I really enjoyed talking to my family!!! it was amazing!!! Then we spent sometime and hung out at the ellis it was a lot of fun! I love that family they are sooooo super sweet! then Christmas night I went home and opened all my presents. thank you everyone who sent me stuff I loved it all!!!!
     Saturday we had brunch at a members house then we went and taught Shannon and cory and renae and those lessons went really good. cory and renae should be getting baptized this week. their invterview is on WednesdaySaturday night we got to do service at a wedding recpeption we got to serve the food it was a lot of fun! we had a really great time!!!
     Sunday at church we had a good time. after church there was a little prob though we relized that our ward doesn't own any baptismal clothing. the other ward does but its really hard to borrow it from  them. and this Saturday the ward has 4 baptisms. two of them our ours. 1 of them is the elders and the other one is a 8 year old baptism. and so the bishop and ward mission leader talked and they solved it and are ordering some for our ward. a members mom is coming up from Idaho so she is going to buy some for the ward and she will bring them up with her and the ward is going to pay her back. im glad that that problem got solved. that was really good. our investigators mike and gabe that have been sick are now feeling better and were at church yesterday so that was really good we are going to be meeting with them this week.
   That was my week it was amazing. we had a really good Christmas we saw lots of miracles it was a lot of fun! thank you for the stuff everyone sent me and for the support everyone gives me. I love you all!!!
love sister sommers

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