Sister Sommers

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas!!!!!
   Hey everyone! merry Christmas!!!! This week my comp and i were still sick for a lot of it and recorvering. sister musasu met with president Weston at zone conference and she said we have been sick for a while and he told her that we need to take the time to recover and not run faster then we have strength. But we both feel fully recovered now. So hopefully no more resting this week. lol
    on Monday last week we had a missionary pday and we had it at a members house is south Dakota and it was a lot of fun! they have a ping pong table so all of us missionarys had a ping pong war and we played volley ball outside. it was a lot of fun. the members left snack down stairs for us to, it was a really fun p day. haha i loved playing ping pong it was a lot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     on Wednesday we were meeting with a sweet rcla family that we meet with a lot and they told us that there goal of the new years is to get to the temple. so we are going to start working on getting them to the temple. that was exciting.
      Thursday we had our Christmas zone conference. it was amazing!!!!! they trained a lot on the book of Mormon since we all just finished it. and our mission president committed us to read the book of Mormon 30 min a day the rest of our lifes. and he also talked a lot about acting and not being acted upon. and he talked a lot about attitude and being positive. and our theme for last year was pray to know and he announce the mission theme for this year which is be a preach my gospel missionary. it was really good i love all the training so much and i learned a lot!!!!!! it was one of my favorate zone confrences. then president and sister westons family made hats for all the missionaries which was really sweet. and president and sister Weston gave us these cute Omaha Nebraska mission things to go in our book of Mormons it is really cool. president and sister Weston are sooo amazing!
    On Saturday. we did service at bishops store house. then after. a family from 2nd ward watned to feed all the missionaries in Sioux city to say merry chirstmas. there are 16 missionaries total our here in Sioux city so there are 8 sets. and out here in Sioux city there are only 2 ward and a Spanish branch. so they prepared a meal at the church and we all meet at the church and they feed all 16 of us lunch which was really yummy. Then they had all of us stand say our name were we are from and how old we are. and then they thanked us for all of our service and they said they are greateful for all of us so this is how they wanted to thank us. Then the family passed our presents for all of us. which was sweet and we all opened it at the same time. They got matching ties for the elders and scarfs for the sisters. (we all wore them to church on sunday) then they brought card games and board games so we got to play games. it was a lot of fun!!!!
     After that we had a lesson with renae cory and Ashley our baptism sets for jan 3. they are progressing super well. and they for Christmas gave my comp and I these really cute neckalces which was really sweet. They are such an amazing family. im so greateful we get to work with them. our other 2 baptismal sets for jan 3 are not progressing so well. they have been really sick and we haven't been able to contact them. and so we are really going to try to contact them this week. Then Shannon who is set for jan 10 is progressing super well. she loves it all and is super prepared!!!!
      Sunday at church we were able to have 4 investigators attend and 9 returning members. which is really good. church Is something that is hard to get people to. so it was exciting seeing them all there. sunday night we tried people the whole night and no one let us in. but we still had a good night trying people haha it was fun.
    I hope yall have a merry Christmas!!!!!! I love you!
love sister sommers

oh funny story I forgot to put in the email. So yesterday night when we were trying a lot of people and nobody was letting us in. the elders gave us a referral we decided to try. So we knock on the door no answer so we knock again no answer so we decide to stand there for a while and finally this lady answers the door and she doesn't understand who we are asking for and you hear this guy in the back ground yell They better leave now or im going to sue them so he comes marching to the door and swings it open (he was angry) and he was going to get mad at us but he sees me and he points at me and say HOLY COW I HAVE SEEN YOU BEFORE!!!!!!! and he starts laughing and im like you have? and he starts talking to me and was super friendly and I have never seen him before and he said the persons house he has seen me at I don't even know them. but we ended up talking outside in the cold on the porch with him for about 15 min he wasnt interested in learning more but we gave him  a book of Mormon. and he was really nice. haha it was so funny because when he saw me his attitude changed and he was like I know you! haaha it was funny. it was a cool experience.
I love you all! merry Christmas!

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