Sister Sommers

Monday, November 3, 2014

Not in Nebraska any more!!

  Hey everyone its sister sommers I am now in Sioux city iowa if you haven't heard. and we also get to go to south Dakota sometimes. :)
   So last Monday our zone had a zone p day and we played volley ball that was a lot of fun!!! my team one every game woot woot :) :) :)
   Thursday we found out about transfers and that I was leaving.
      Friday was Halloween. we went to the mission office at 1 and I left the mission office at 6. and so the whole day I pretty much hung out there talking to other missionaries as we waited for the transfer vans to drive around the mission. and once both of them were back from out west it was about 5:30 and and they loaded all 6 of us missionaries up that we going to Sioux city and so they had a truck and they put me a two other sisters in the truck with our suit cases in the back and then they had a car and they put the 3 elders in the car (one was elder saunders he is up in Sioux city with me so that's cool hes in the Spanish branch) and they gave us both gps with the address and they had us following the elders up. they gave us both gps just in case we got split up. so we left at 6 and it was an adventure.... the on ramp was closed and so we had to keep driving and found a new way to get on. and then we started heading down and we had the missionaires in Sioux city calling us asking when we will be there so they could meet us all there so we told them at 8:15 but then us and the elder stopped somewhere for dinner because we were all hungery and haven't eaten since 12 so we stopped half way to eat then we started going again and they ended up getting there at 9:15 and when we pull in there were a ton of missionaries in the parking lot I twas a lot of fun everyone was telling us hi and talking to us it was a lot of fun!!!!
     I am with sister muasau she is so much fun she is tongan and I love her!!! this area I feel like is going to be a struggle but its going to be amazing. sister muasau last comp just finished her mission and went home and she was really trunkie and so she didn't follow all the mission rules and she also told me president told her this is the most apostate part of the mission. and I think its because we are in a diff state and we never go into Nebraska really. and so we are all just out here. but I don't want to be apostate and disobedient and sister muasau doesn't either. and so we made a goal we are going to be exactly obedient and work our very hardest even when other missionaries aren't. but we are also going to have fun. sister muasau really had a hard past couple of transfers but she is a great missionary and we are going to see miracles. our ward mission leader is amazing also. he feeds us hif famous spagetthi every Saturday he feeds us and the elders and we have our coordianation meeting with him. he loves missionary work and is really wanting us to work hard and hes just really great!! 
    Im the senior comp so I get to drive.  we drive a 2014 Toyota corolla. and the ward is really nice its HUGE compared to fremont!!!!! we have a set of elders in our ward and 2 sets of sisters we have the le mars sisters and they are in a little town that president wants to try to get a branch there and we are the Sioux city first sisters. Im really excited these next few transferes are going to be amazing they are going to be hard but they are also going to be aton of fun im excited!!!!
    I love you all sooooooooo soooooooo soooooo much thank you for your letters emails support and prayers I love you and im so grateful for you. im grateful I get to be a missionary I love it out here its so amazing I love doing the lords work.
love sister sommers

pic of my quilt I was making in fremont its super cute they said they would finish it and mail it to me or I could pick it up after my mission
sister allan and sister crist (she is going to fremont) at the mission office
my new companion and I after church  :)

1 comment:

  1. We lived in Sioux City for 3 years, it was great! The Faldmos, the Marsdens, the Lees, the Widdisons and the Moo Family. Such awesome families are there, We miss them. You will do great in Sioux City Sister Sommers. We miss you, you are a beautiful Missionary. ~ Kevin and Linda Rogers
