Sister Sommers

Monday, June 30, 2014

Transfers this last week!!

Transfers were this week. my comp sister simmons got transferred. so her and I were together for only two transfrers. My new comp is Sister Allan her and I were in the mtc together so we came out together. she is really sweet. she is from vegas and she is a convert of 4 years.
    zone leaders called us and Thursday and told us we need to be at transfer point in Omaha at 8 so we had to leave at 7 and when we got there we found out neither of our comp were going to be there till 3 because my comp was in York which was 3 hours away and she had to wait for the  transfer van to come get her. so my comp and I went with another sister and we works in her area till it was time for transfer vans to make it back to Omaha.
    That night sister allan and I had an apt with our bishop he was feeding us dinner (this is his first time having us over while I have been here) and so we decided to do a family mission plan with him. and at the end of it he looks at us and says if that is the family mission plan you are going to do with all the members you are going to see miricles he said he has had tons of missionarys do family mission plans with him and that was the best one by far that missionaries have ever done with him. then he told us he feels like sister allan and I are going to have lots of success and miricles in this area he thinks. so that was really nice and cool
     Saturday night we went to go see a less active we are working with. and this guy just walks into her house with tons of knifes in his belt and he was like to her are you okay and she said yes and he was just staring at us and he left and we were like who was that and she was like oh its one of my friends hes nice and we were like okay... so then he starts like walking in front of her aPARTMENT and sitting outside of it and then he was walking circles around our car looking at it and we were getting really worried so we were sharing a message and just holding my pepper spray in my hand. and then he just walked in again. and really loudly he yelled. ARE YOU MORMON????????? we were a little afaid to answer and we said yes we are.... and all of a sudden his tone changed and he had a huge smile on his face and he said im Mormon to. :) and so then we dropped the pepper spray and put it in my bag with out him noticing and we started talking to him and he said he hasn't gone to church for two years but he was hoping to find the church in fremont so he could start coming to it because he wants to become active and hopefully serve a mission. so we asked him about the knifes and he said he only has them because he was coming to fremont from Colorado to come help his sister out who has been sick (who we found out is actually one of our investigators) and on his way his car broke down so he walked the rest of the way to Nebraska. and it took him 15 days so that's why he has the knifes. and we asked him how come he knew we were Mormon. and he said he noticed our car. and he said he noticed we had the nicest car in the whole parkin lot and all the rest were junk then he just knew we were Mormons and felt like he needed to come ask us if we were. and he came to church on sunday and he has been reading the book of momron again. that was a crazy experience that was scary but it turned out to be a huge miracle we are pulling his records here and reactivating him. the ward loved him yesterday.
     That was pretty much our week it was really good. I hope your all doing good. I love you!!!
love sister sommers

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