Sister Sommers

Monday, December 1, 2014

I had a great week!!

 I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving. for thanksgiving we had it with the ellis family it was a lot of fun! they are such a fun family and they love having missionaries over. its a lot of fun. they always have the missionaries over.
   On Saturday we had a cool experience. we were trying to contact a less active and they weren't home so we decided to try to street contact because a lot of people were outside because it was a beautiful day it was 50 degrees and the past days its been like 15 so since everyone was outside we were street contacting. and this guy was kicking a soccer ball and it rolled down a hill to us so I kicked back to him and he said thanks. and we started talking to him and it was really cool. my companion asked him if he belived in jesus and he said ya then I asked what church he went to and he said he didn't go to a church. so we started talking to him about our church and telling him what we belive. and he said its so cool the courage you girls have to stop some random person and tell them what you belive. and he said you girls are making impacts in the world. and he talked about how he is greatful we stopped him to talk to him. and we asked if he heard of the book of Mormon before and he said he has but hes never had one. so I asked if he wanted one and he was so greatful he was like yes I want one and so greatful for it. and we taught him on the side of the road for like 30 min. and he said we could come by this week and so we are going to teach him this week. it was a really cool st contact though. we know heavenly father placed us there for a reason it was a cool experience.
    oh so our two baptisms for dec 13 got pushed back to jan 3 because we still had a lot lessons we needed to teach mike and gabe but its really cool because they had experinces this week that helped make them stronger I think they will make it to the 3rd I know they will they are so great. cory and renee are still set for the 26 and they are progressing really well. they are great. cory has been reading the book of Mormon daily he even brings it to school. and he has been praying more and he gets all excited everytime he prays so its really cool. and renee is slowly starting to read the book of Mormon. but she is loving church and loves when we teach. Im excited I know they will make it to the 26.
    thank you so much for your emails and letters. I hope you all have a great week love sister sommers

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