Sister Sommers

Monday, July 14, 2014

Sister Sommers got a baptism!!!

hey so this week was really good. we saw a lot of miricles.
   So all week we helped prepare Tae-Ana for her baptism. Saturday she got baptized and it was amazig!!!!! she was really excited and the baptism the spirit was so strong. after the baptism we went to teach our investigator mark who is set for august 23 and is really excited for baptism. but while we were teaching him we had another investigator chris with us. and the sisters have been teaching her for about 7 months. and during that time she says she will not get baptized because she has already been baptized catholic. but she has been coming to church every sunday for 5 months. so when we were teaching her we felt prompted to ask her if she would want to be baptized. and she opened up and told us why she doesn't want to be baptized
      She said that she is afraid of the water and doesn't want to drown... so we told her that if she wanted to be baptized we promised her she wouldn't drown and we told her that both of the elders could be in the water why she is being baptized. so she is safe. and she said ya then if I have another people with me then  yes I will be baptized. and we said okay how about we plan this for two weeks. and she said NO THIS WEEK. which was a huge MIRACLE.  so we said okay and so this Saturday she is getting baptized!!!!! we have baptisms two weeks in a row!!! and the elders will baptize her and both of them will be in the water with her, so she feels safe. I am so excited. I didn't think I was going to be able to see her be baptized. she has had all the lessons she comes to church every week she is so ready!!!!! that was a huge miriacle!!!! and after her baptism on the 19 my comp and I get to go to the temple and see the members we live with get sealed!!!!!! Saturday will be a really great day!!!!
     subday Tae-Ana got confirmed and when she was getting confirmed. in the blessing it said that she would be serving a mission and later getting married in the temple which was really really cool. and it said she will bring the gospel to many just like the sisters that brought the gospel to her. So that was really cool. and the spirit was soooo strong in her blessing it was amazing!!!!
    So heather from last week is back in her home and she is safe. the guy totally destroyed her home but we did service and helped pick it up. and he is now in jail. which is good.
     us and the elders in our ward got this cool thing we might be able to do service for its called. Habatat for humanity and they build houses. so us and the elders might be able to do service for them and work in there shop and also help paint. and do stuff they need. we meet them and they said they need volunteers so next week we will go by and and see what days they want us to come help. which will be a lot of fun. The elders and sisters in our misson in grand island did it and they said they got tons of new investigators from it. so we will see if we get to volunteer there.
love you
sister sommers
These pics are at Tae-Ana's baptism they are of my comp and I Tae-Ana her little sister and her mom.

so in Nebraska there are a lot of churches everywhere. This is the church that is right next door to our church... they are missing some letters.... its been like that for 3 months and they haven't fixed it yet. haha I thought that was funny though

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