Sister Sommers

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lots Of Miracles This Week!!

  So this week was saw a huge miracle. We had a less active who started coming back to church. We took a team up over to her house and we asked her daughter who is 11 if she wanted to be baptized. (we have asked in the past but her dad is total anti) and they have no more communication with her dad anymore. so we felt like since they were coming to church we could ask her again if she wanted to be baptized. so we did and she said YES!!! and she was so excited. and we talked to her mom and her. her mom who is a less active member coming back talked about how she knows she needs to come back for her two girls and her. and she is starting to get her life back in order. and she bore her testimony on the atonement and how its sooo real. the spirit was so powerful and she was sooooo sincere. and they really just want to find out for themselves that its true. so we set her daughter Tae-anna for baptism for july 12!!! and we know with out a doubt she is going to make it to that date. and she is sooo excited. and they already have her going to young womens so she can be fellowshipped and she loves it. we are so excited we have been praying for that. (oh random fact. So this is elder hollands cousins daughter that we have been working with) that's sooo cool!!! we are just so excited for her baptism and so excited for her mom and her. we are grateful heavenly father has blessed us with them. we have been having a rought past couple weeks we have been dropped a lot. and we had a less active pass away and one get arrested. and a lot of investigaotrs have dropped us. so its cool that since we stayed working hard. heavenly father blessed us with tae-anna and her mom
    This week we had a member feed us turtle. it was a snapping turtle that they killed and cooked.... it was actually pretty good. :) :) :)
     this week we were also blessed with 4 new investigators. which we are excited about. two of them are referrals we recived from a member that we are working with.
      oh the wheather was not as crazy as it was the week before. Saturday night there was a huge wind storm. and a couple huge trees were torn out of the ground. and besides that just big branches everywhere. and today we have a thunder storm watch. but its not bad just lots of thunder and rain but its dying down.
      So we had a really good week. we saw lots of miricles it was great!!!!!!!!!
love you all
love sister sommers

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