Sister Sommers

Monday, June 23, 2014

Transfers this week

  transfers are this week. I don't think im getting transferred. but my comp might. she has been in this area for a long time now. but we will see because she might also stay. we don't know.
   this week was really good. we taught a lot, a lot of lessons!!!! which was really good. it is also starting to get really hot and humid. we also did a lot of service. I don't know if I told you guys yet. but our mission president wants all of us missionaries to get 6-10 hours of service everyweek and we have to report weekly on our service hours. So two times a week my comp and I do service at care corp which is the homeless shelter. and we just do desk work file stuff and answer phone calls. its a lot of fun we meet a lot of people and love being a volunteer there. and once a week we do service at the library we ussaly cut papers. and get craft stuff ready for the kid program which is also a lot of fun.
     So we have a mission rule were we could only email friends once a month. so my mom will forward my group emails out :) and then I will email friends the first Monday of the month. (im not a huge fan of this rule. but I know obedience brings blessings) but you can all still send emails to my email, and I can read them I just will respond back to it. once a month. sorry. please keep emailing me every week though:)
    sorry I haven't sent any photos. im still trying to figure out how do to it on these computers. but I will keep trying to send them.
love you all thank you for your letters and emails

oh I forgot to say this is the other email. so on Friday we went to valley. which is a little town outside of our area. since we live in the country our area has all these little towns outside of it that we also go and work in and valley is one of those little towns. So we went to valley to try some investigators and less actives. and when we were there we tried a less active in an apartment complex and she didn't answer. so we walked down the stairs and my comp said sis I think we should know on that door and so I was like okay lets knock on it. and my comp then said will this is a no soliciting apartment (she is afraid to knock on doors that are no soliciting shes been yelled at in the past for it) which I am not afraid to knock on those doors because we are not selling anything!!! so I said will if you felt prompted who cares if its no soliciting we should knock on it. so she said okay but she told me I had to talk which I was fine with. (and at this time it was stormy ourside and we were told it wss tornado wheather but we were fine to work until the sirens go off. so we knocked on the door and this lady knew who we were and she said she has seen us walking around town and she let us in to dry off and share a message with her and she became a new investigator which was really cool!!! :) that was a really neat experience. and when we finished teaching her the rain and storm died down so we were able to make our drive back to fremont safely with no harm and when we got home to fremont it started storming again. so it was cool because we taught that lesson we didn't have to drive in the storm and we got a new investigator.
love sister sommers

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