Sister Sommers

Monday, February 23, 2015

Last Email from sister Sommers,,

Hey everyone!
   Will this is the last week of my mission. I have a lot of mixed feelings im sad and scared to be leaving. but im really excited to see all my friends and family again. this week was really great.
    Wednesday we had district meeting it was really good, president decided to surprise everyone and show up randomly. he brought doughnuts with him. the trainings were really good they trained on the importance of the sacrament it was really good.
    after Emily had her baptism interview. she passed haha she is awesome! Emily was able to get baptized on Friday. but we found out she couldn't get confirmed till sunday so she wasn't able to go to the temple. but she got baptized on Fridaythe spirit was sooo strong. it was amazing! sister muasau and I gave a talk on baptism together. This Saturday we went to Omaha with Emily we went to the trail center and watched meet the Mormons, and walked around the temple.
   Sunday Emily got confirmed the spirit was sooooo strong it was amazing, im greatful I was able to be there for it.
I love you all and hope you all have a great week see you soon
love sister sommers

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Mission is strong!

Hey :) 
   We had  great week! lots and lots and lots of miracles!!!!! :) so on monday we went to the church for p day. and we walk into the gym and the elders brought pbc pipes and brought durf darts and we had a huge nerf war lol it was soooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! we split up in teams we did comp against comps and we also did a zombie game it was a lot of fun!!!!!! we set up tables as forts that you could hide behind we had a great time! 
    Tuesday we went to the trail center with the sweet family we are working with, The AP's gave us permission to go if we had a member drive us. So sister walker drove us and they followed us. it was amazing! they loved the trail center. and then after we got to sit in the waiting room of the temple with them, and it was really neat experince. they said they are working to be sealed in may. ahhhhhhhhh soooo exciting! huge miracle. i love them so much and im so excited for them.
    Wendesday we had zone training. it was my last one so the zone leaders asked me to bear  my testamony at the end. it was a really great zone training. i loved it! haha everyone wore blue for the photos. and they trained on how the book of mormon can help us to have a change of heart. and they trained on the blessings we recieve from keeping covents it was a really good zone training. i enjoyed it a lot. i love our zone they are so great! we are all such good friends. 
    Friday we were going to do a full day of splits with two cute girls from the young women in our ward who want to serve missions. but one of them got really sick. so we took the other one abby on a team up with us the whole day it was really great! she is going to be a great misisonary she did a great job at teaching! at the end of the day with her we went tracting because she wanted to experince that and sis musau and i love tracting we think its sooooo much fun. first house we knock on the guy answers and says he goes to the forest of heck and the river that runs through it. lol awkward and he shut the door after.... we were like oh ya welcome to mission life. she laughed. but then after we knocked on a door that i felt like we should knock on and a spanish family opens the door. the mom doesnt speak english but the daughter does and would translate! they were amazing we taught about the book of mormon! and they loved it and they want to learn more and were really excited!!!!!! so we told them we will send the hermanas and we let the hermanas know and they are going to start teaching them! it was really exciting! they were an amazing family. and after we meet this guy who isnt interested in learning more but he did take a book of mormon. so we will try back later. :) 2 of the 3 doors we knocked on went really well! abby did great she is amazing! 
      Satueday for valentines day we didnt do much we had lunch with abby. then we had a lesson with helen and we had coordination that night i love coordintaiton its always soooo much fun! the elders and us go and out ward mission leaer feeds us his famous spaghitti and we talk about the work! its great!
      This week emily is being baptized! oh ilove her and im so excited for her. She is getting baptized friday and they got permission to confirm her at the baptism. because saturday is the ward temple trip and she wants to go to it. we are hopping we will be able to get permission to go. we are praying for that because we have two recent converts that will be there! will I hope you all have a great week I love you!
love sister sommers :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Valentines day!!

Hey everyone! happy valintines day this week:) 
  So this week was a really great week! another great week full of miriacles. Monday we were able to meet with a less active we have been trying to contact for a while since my first transfer here and we finally got in with her. we sat down and she was like so what did you want to talk about and we got to know her and we talked and laughed and she is now going to have us over again and she said she would start a book of mormon study daily with her kids. so that was really neat as the holy ghost spoke through us when we were teaching her. 
    Wednesday we had distict meeting it was sooo amazing the spirit was so strong. they trained on sacrifice and sorrow and how both are necessary and it is what makes us stronger. and our district leader talked a lot about how we have to make sacrfices and how sacrifices brings forth the blessings it was really good!
   Thursday we were able to go on exchanges with the sioux city 2nd sistas it was really fun. i really enjoyed those exchanges. we all worked in their area the whole day. it was a lot of fun! i really learned a lot on that exchange. it was great! 
   Saturday we had a lesson with an investigator and we decided to teach about commandments and to really ask inspirired quesitons so we can decern her needs so we can help her to progress. and we were bold but it was really good!! we were able to answer her concerns with the book of mormon. and she is planning on comming to church with us next week! 
   Sunday at church was really cool. we were able to watch cory pass the scarement to his family. it was really exciting. i love that family and im so greatful i have gotten to work with them they are amazing and they are such a great example to everyone around them! during the evening were tried a less active part member family and it was cool because they have been faced with a lot of trials which we knew a little about it. but we didnt know how prepared they are. we went there and they had all these amaizng questions and they kept saying they were on the search for the truth! and they are comming to church sunday and we are going to start meeting with them, and it was cool because most of there questions can and will be answered in the book of mormon. they are an amazing family and they have been through so many trials but they are a great example they are making the best of it and wanting to turn the god. they are really great! 
    will that was my week we saw lots of miracles and we are going to continue to see them i love you all and hope you all have a great week thank you for your emails and all of your prayers! 
love sister sommers :) 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Fun Stuff

Hey everyone! 
   This week was a really great week! Tuesday we were able to see Emily. She is soo cute and excited for her baptism onFeb 28. i just love her! We leave her lots of stuff to read and we come back and she will have it all done! :) and on tuesday we asked her if she had any questions and she said i did but then i did the additonal study and they got answered. and she is sooooo super excited for her baptsim. we cant wait!!!! its really cool because she tells us how before she always told everyone i will never ever get baptized and now she is really excited to. its cool seeing the holy ghost work. shes great. and she loves making bracelts so after we teach her. she teaches us how to make a bracelet its fun!  
    Wednesday we had disrtict meeting. really good training again. They were on being exactly obdient. and something our district leader said was at the end of his training her talked about having christ at the center of our lifes. and if christ is at the center we will be exactly obdient because we will be able to show our love for him. "if you love me then keep my commmandment" it was a really good training 
    Saturday we had the le mars sisters staying with us like they do every weekend and we had a huge snow storm. which made it so they cancled church because there was to much snow and they grounded all of the mission cars. its cold but its fun. we have been having fun with the snow. im glad it snowed again. :) 
   will thank you for all of your emails and letters i love you all!!!! 
love sister sommers i love you all!!!!!!!!!!! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Work is Good!!

Hey everyone:)
   This week was an amazing week! we had some opposition. but we saw a lot of miracles it was super amazing!!!!!
   Monday we did a spa day at the church for p day. all of the elders were going big foot hunting in macey.... so all of us sisters had the church to ourselves so we did nails and played volleyball it was fun! we had a great time together!
    Wednesday we had our storm lake district meeting. our district leader serves in storm lake which is 2 hours from Sioux city. so the le mars sisters came to Sioux city then I drove us all up to storm lake for district meeting. it was a lot of fun! it  was a good district meeting. the Sioux city elders our zone leaders had to end up going to a diff district meeting so they weren't there. but we had a great time. we learned a lot. they trained about false humility and the purpose of the plan of salvation and atonement. it was really good. I enjoyed it a lot. I learned a lot
    Thursday we had the baptism interviews they went really good. we also had transfer calls sister muasau and I stayed the same:)
    Saturday we had the baptism it was super amazing. the spirit was soooooo strong!!!!! I am super greatful for this family I have had to work with I love them so much! they are an amazing family and im so greatful I have been able to help them come to baptism and come unto Christ. they are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was cool on sunday our bishop bore his testimony and he said he had a really crazy stressful week and it rolled into Saturday and he said the baptism helped bring the spirit back into his life. it was really cool the spirit was so strong at the baptism. it was amazing!!!!!!!
    That was our week it was a really great busy week. I love you all!!! today in my studies I was reading in mosiah and I was in chapter 23 verse 22 I really liked the scripture. it says
"nevertheless whosoever putteth his trust in him the same shall be lifted up at the last day yea and thus it was with this people." I really liked that scripture because there are many times were we don't know why the lord wants us to do something or why something is happening. but we have to remember the lord has a plan for each of us and we put our trust in him it will all work out. we can and will do anything he commands us to do and we will be able to become stronger. we just have to trust in him.
love you all
love sister sommers

 we saw a huge miracle this week. Ashley arrowood was able to get baptized. and her dad when they other kids were getting baptized was like no I don't want to baptize them and with her he said no again but sister muasau and I decided to push it more so we did and we were bold and he finally was like okay I will and it was super amazing. he met with the bishop the bishop helped him and said he could and after the baptism we were talking to him and we were like so how do you feel and he was like I feel really good I felt the spirit so strongly and now he talked to his boss and he got sundays off of work so he could start coming to church. it was such an amazing miracle. they are such a great family its been amazing working with them!!!!!! they are a huge miracle. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hey everyone!!!!
   so this week was a good week we had a lot of ups and downs. but we tried to stay positive and make the most out of everything.
    Monday we had p day at the church which was a lot of fun as always. then we had dinner at our bishops house he feed us and the elders and the le mars sisters. and he daughter just returned home from her mission so it was fun talking to her. she was very sweet. we had a good time at bishops house. then after we went over how the work was going.
   Wednesday we had district meeting and it was a really good meeting they trained on becoming perfect in Christ. it was really good,. I really enjoyed the trainings!!!!! and after our district leader interviewed the arrowoods for baptism. it was his first baptism interview and after he told us that we did good at teaching them. that they are really prepared and they answered all the questions really good.
    Thursday we did service for a family in our ward who is moving we helped them pack. and then we did service at the ellis house and helped put Christmas decorations away. then we taught the arrowoods and we had bishops daughter come with us which was a lot of fun!
    Friday we got sad news one of our investigators who was going to get baptized the 10th called and dropped us. we tried to help her to change her mind but she had her mind set it was sad. she didn't have a lot of support from home to get baptized though. but its okay we know when she is more ready missionaries will find her again. and she will accept it later on. :)
     Saturday we did service at bishops store house. Then we had the baptism. it was soooo AMAZING. there were 4 baptsims nathanial who is 8 he is a ward baptism then abby who is the elders investigator and then renee and corey who are our investigators. they did all the baptisms together it was so amazing. the spirit was soooo strong!!!!! it was a great baptism. everything went perfect for it.
    Saturday night we had our coordination meeting at our ward mission leadders house like we do every week. they feed us le mars sisters and the elders every week. this week though it was snowing and they live in the middle of no were and the elders live with them. so 9:30 we were leaving and the elders decide they want to follow us to make sure we get out safely. and there car is a 2015 and they have 4 wheel drive so they go first to make a path. I follow. and our car is a 2014 we don't have 4 wheel drive and so we got stuck. but they got out and pushed and it only took like 30 sec to get me out. so I pull behind the elders and then the le mars sisters were behind us and they got stuck. and it took about 20ish min to get there car out. they were stuck really bad finally we got them out though and the elders decide they wanted me to drive their car and have the other 3 sisters get in it. and one of the elder took my car and the other elder took the other sisters car and followed me in there car out until we got to a paved road. they drove the other cars because they didn't want us slipping or getting stuck again and I drove there car with the sisters. we got to a paved road then we switched cars and the elders went back home and we made it back safely. haha it was cold and crazy pushing the car. but we are glad we made it back safe our ward mission leader was worried.
    Sudnay was really great seeing the 3 baptisms get confirmed. our church is now at 12:30 which is a llot diff then 9
    that was our week it was good. we are getting more snow its snowing a lot today. I love you all be safe.
sister sommers

haha funny story. so we are at the library emailing. and we got a text saying they are grounding the cars because of the snow....... we are like 15 min driving away from our apartment. haha guess we are all walking today. when the snow gets really bad and to dangerous to drive in they ground our cars which mean you have to park them and no more driving them till they are ungrounded this is the first time this year they have been grounded haha oh well we will make it fun walking today. :)