Sister Sommers

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Mission is strong!

Hey :) 
   We had  great week! lots and lots and lots of miracles!!!!! :) so on monday we went to the church for p day. and we walk into the gym and the elders brought pbc pipes and brought durf darts and we had a huge nerf war lol it was soooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! we split up in teams we did comp against comps and we also did a zombie game it was a lot of fun!!!!!! we set up tables as forts that you could hide behind we had a great time! 
    Tuesday we went to the trail center with the sweet family we are working with, The AP's gave us permission to go if we had a member drive us. So sister walker drove us and they followed us. it was amazing! they loved the trail center. and then after we got to sit in the waiting room of the temple with them, and it was really neat experince. they said they are working to be sealed in may. ahhhhhhhhh soooo exciting! huge miracle. i love them so much and im so excited for them.
    Wendesday we had zone training. it was my last one so the zone leaders asked me to bear  my testamony at the end. it was a really great zone training. i loved it! haha everyone wore blue for the photos. and they trained on how the book of mormon can help us to have a change of heart. and they trained on the blessings we recieve from keeping covents it was a really good zone training. i enjoyed it a lot. i love our zone they are so great! we are all such good friends. 
    Friday we were going to do a full day of splits with two cute girls from the young women in our ward who want to serve missions. but one of them got really sick. so we took the other one abby on a team up with us the whole day it was really great! she is going to be a great misisonary she did a great job at teaching! at the end of the day with her we went tracting because she wanted to experince that and sis musau and i love tracting we think its sooooo much fun. first house we knock on the guy answers and says he goes to the forest of heck and the river that runs through it. lol awkward and he shut the door after.... we were like oh ya welcome to mission life. she laughed. but then after we knocked on a door that i felt like we should knock on and a spanish family opens the door. the mom doesnt speak english but the daughter does and would translate! they were amazing we taught about the book of mormon! and they loved it and they want to learn more and were really excited!!!!!! so we told them we will send the hermanas and we let the hermanas know and they are going to start teaching them! it was really exciting! they were an amazing family. and after we meet this guy who isnt interested in learning more but he did take a book of mormon. so we will try back later. :) 2 of the 3 doors we knocked on went really well! abby did great she is amazing! 
      Satueday for valentines day we didnt do much we had lunch with abby. then we had a lesson with helen and we had coordination that night i love coordintaiton its always soooo much fun! the elders and us go and out ward mission leaer feeds us his famous spaghitti and we talk about the work! its great!
      This week emily is being baptized! oh ilove her and im so excited for her. She is getting baptized friday and they got permission to confirm her at the baptism. because saturday is the ward temple trip and she wants to go to it. we are hopping we will be able to get permission to go. we are praying for that because we have two recent converts that will be there! will I hope you all have a great week I love you!
love sister sommers :)

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