Sister Sommers

Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Valentines day!!

Hey everyone! happy valintines day this week:) 
  So this week was a really great week! another great week full of miriacles. Monday we were able to meet with a less active we have been trying to contact for a while since my first transfer here and we finally got in with her. we sat down and she was like so what did you want to talk about and we got to know her and we talked and laughed and she is now going to have us over again and she said she would start a book of mormon study daily with her kids. so that was really neat as the holy ghost spoke through us when we were teaching her. 
    Wednesday we had distict meeting it was sooo amazing the spirit was so strong. they trained on sacrifice and sorrow and how both are necessary and it is what makes us stronger. and our district leader talked a lot about how we have to make sacrfices and how sacrifices brings forth the blessings it was really good!
   Thursday we were able to go on exchanges with the sioux city 2nd sistas it was really fun. i really enjoyed those exchanges. we all worked in their area the whole day. it was a lot of fun! i really learned a lot on that exchange. it was great! 
   Saturday we had a lesson with an investigator and we decided to teach about commandments and to really ask inspirired quesitons so we can decern her needs so we can help her to progress. and we were bold but it was really good!! we were able to answer her concerns with the book of mormon. and she is planning on comming to church with us next week! 
   Sunday at church was really cool. we were able to watch cory pass the scarement to his family. it was really exciting. i love that family and im so greatful i have gotten to work with them they are amazing and they are such a great example to everyone around them! during the evening were tried a less active part member family and it was cool because they have been faced with a lot of trials which we knew a little about it. but we didnt know how prepared they are. we went there and they had all these amaizng questions and they kept saying they were on the search for the truth! and they are comming to church sunday and we are going to start meeting with them, and it was cool because most of there questions can and will be answered in the book of mormon. they are an amazing family and they have been through so many trials but they are a great example they are making the best of it and wanting to turn the god. they are really great! 
    will that was my week we saw lots of miracles and we are going to continue to see them i love you all and hope you all have a great week thank you for your emails and all of your prayers! 
love sister sommers :) 

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