Sister Sommers

Monday, June 30, 2014

Transfers this last week!!

Transfers were this week. my comp sister simmons got transferred. so her and I were together for only two transfrers. My new comp is Sister Allan her and I were in the mtc together so we came out together. she is really sweet. she is from vegas and she is a convert of 4 years.
    zone leaders called us and Thursday and told us we need to be at transfer point in Omaha at 8 so we had to leave at 7 and when we got there we found out neither of our comp were going to be there till 3 because my comp was in York which was 3 hours away and she had to wait for the  transfer van to come get her. so my comp and I went with another sister and we works in her area till it was time for transfer vans to make it back to Omaha.
    That night sister allan and I had an apt with our bishop he was feeding us dinner (this is his first time having us over while I have been here) and so we decided to do a family mission plan with him. and at the end of it he looks at us and says if that is the family mission plan you are going to do with all the members you are going to see miricles he said he has had tons of missionarys do family mission plans with him and that was the best one by far that missionaries have ever done with him. then he told us he feels like sister allan and I are going to have lots of success and miricles in this area he thinks. so that was really nice and cool
     Saturday night we went to go see a less active we are working with. and this guy just walks into her house with tons of knifes in his belt and he was like to her are you okay and she said yes and he was just staring at us and he left and we were like who was that and she was like oh its one of my friends hes nice and we were like okay... so then he starts like walking in front of her aPARTMENT and sitting outside of it and then he was walking circles around our car looking at it and we were getting really worried so we were sharing a message and just holding my pepper spray in my hand. and then he just walked in again. and really loudly he yelled. ARE YOU MORMON????????? we were a little afaid to answer and we said yes we are.... and all of a sudden his tone changed and he had a huge smile on his face and he said im Mormon to. :) and so then we dropped the pepper spray and put it in my bag with out him noticing and we started talking to him and he said he hasn't gone to church for two years but he was hoping to find the church in fremont so he could start coming to it because he wants to become active and hopefully serve a mission. so we asked him about the knifes and he said he only has them because he was coming to fremont from Colorado to come help his sister out who has been sick (who we found out is actually one of our investigators) and on his way his car broke down so he walked the rest of the way to Nebraska. and it took him 15 days so that's why he has the knifes. and we asked him how come he knew we were Mormon. and he said he noticed our car. and he said he noticed we had the nicest car in the whole parkin lot and all the rest were junk then he just knew we were Mormons and felt like he needed to come ask us if we were. and he came to church on sunday and he has been reading the book of momron again. that was a crazy experience that was scary but it turned out to be a huge miracle we are pulling his records here and reactivating him. the ward loved him yesterday.
     That was pretty much our week it was really good. I hope your all doing good. I love you!!!
love sister sommers

Monday, June 23, 2014

Transfers this week

  transfers are this week. I don't think im getting transferred. but my comp might. she has been in this area for a long time now. but we will see because she might also stay. we don't know.
   this week was really good. we taught a lot, a lot of lessons!!!! which was really good. it is also starting to get really hot and humid. we also did a lot of service. I don't know if I told you guys yet. but our mission president wants all of us missionaries to get 6-10 hours of service everyweek and we have to report weekly on our service hours. So two times a week my comp and I do service at care corp which is the homeless shelter. and we just do desk work file stuff and answer phone calls. its a lot of fun we meet a lot of people and love being a volunteer there. and once a week we do service at the library we ussaly cut papers. and get craft stuff ready for the kid program which is also a lot of fun.
     So we have a mission rule were we could only email friends once a month. so my mom will forward my group emails out :) and then I will email friends the first Monday of the month. (im not a huge fan of this rule. but I know obedience brings blessings) but you can all still send emails to my email, and I can read them I just will respond back to it. once a month. sorry. please keep emailing me every week though:)
    sorry I haven't sent any photos. im still trying to figure out how do to it on these computers. but I will keep trying to send them.
love you all thank you for your letters and emails

oh I forgot to say this is the other email. so on Friday we went to valley. which is a little town outside of our area. since we live in the country our area has all these little towns outside of it that we also go and work in and valley is one of those little towns. So we went to valley to try some investigators and less actives. and when we were there we tried a less active in an apartment complex and she didn't answer. so we walked down the stairs and my comp said sis I think we should know on that door and so I was like okay lets knock on it. and my comp then said will this is a no soliciting apartment (she is afraid to knock on doors that are no soliciting shes been yelled at in the past for it) which I am not afraid to knock on those doors because we are not selling anything!!! so I said will if you felt prompted who cares if its no soliciting we should knock on it. so she said okay but she told me I had to talk which I was fine with. (and at this time it was stormy ourside and we were told it wss tornado wheather but we were fine to work until the sirens go off. so we knocked on the door and this lady knew who we were and she said she has seen us walking around town and she let us in to dry off and share a message with her and she became a new investigator which was really cool!!! :) that was a really neat experience. and when we finished teaching her the rain and storm died down so we were able to make our drive back to fremont safely with no harm and when we got home to fremont it started storming again. so it was cool because we taught that lesson we didn't have to drive in the storm and we got a new investigator.
love sister sommers

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lots Of Miracles This Week!!

  So this week was saw a huge miracle. We had a less active who started coming back to church. We took a team up over to her house and we asked her daughter who is 11 if she wanted to be baptized. (we have asked in the past but her dad is total anti) and they have no more communication with her dad anymore. so we felt like since they were coming to church we could ask her again if she wanted to be baptized. so we did and she said YES!!! and she was so excited. and we talked to her mom and her. her mom who is a less active member coming back talked about how she knows she needs to come back for her two girls and her. and she is starting to get her life back in order. and she bore her testimony on the atonement and how its sooo real. the spirit was so powerful and she was sooooo sincere. and they really just want to find out for themselves that its true. so we set her daughter Tae-anna for baptism for july 12!!! and we know with out a doubt she is going to make it to that date. and she is sooo excited. and they already have her going to young womens so she can be fellowshipped and she loves it. we are so excited we have been praying for that. (oh random fact. So this is elder hollands cousins daughter that we have been working with) that's sooo cool!!! we are just so excited for her baptism and so excited for her mom and her. we are grateful heavenly father has blessed us with them. we have been having a rought past couple weeks we have been dropped a lot. and we had a less active pass away and one get arrested. and a lot of investigaotrs have dropped us. so its cool that since we stayed working hard. heavenly father blessed us with tae-anna and her mom
    This week we had a member feed us turtle. it was a snapping turtle that they killed and cooked.... it was actually pretty good. :) :) :)
     this week we were also blessed with 4 new investigators. which we are excited about. two of them are referrals we recived from a member that we are working with.
      oh the wheather was not as crazy as it was the week before. Saturday night there was a huge wind storm. and a couple huge trees were torn out of the ground. and besides that just big branches everywhere. and today we have a thunder storm watch. but its not bad just lots of thunder and rain but its dying down.
      So we had a really good week. we saw lots of miricles it was great!!!!!!!!!
love you all
love sister sommers

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wild Weather

  this week Nebraska got hit with a lot of storms. Tuesday we went into tornado warning so we had to go in. and then the storm hit hard and the sky was green and the sirens were going off (they are really loud) we had to spend sometime in our basement. the tornado hit right outside of freemont on both sides. but it did not hit fremont. the storm lasted until 1ish in the morning. so we had to stay in pretty much all day. the storm cleared for a little bit so we went out to try to work but the zone leaders texted and told everyone to go to a members home. so we went back in. and we had hot coco with our members.
     we had more storms and tornado watches on Thursday. but it wasn't as nearly as bad as Tuesday. and freemont and branches fallen.. the worst thing I saw the next day was a tree fell on a car. but blair got hit really really bad. we have heard really really bad stories about blair. houses were ruined and huge car dealer ship got ruined. we got told we could leave our area on wednesday to go do service in blair with our zone. but we didn't have enough miles on our car since it was the end of the month. so we weren't able to go help.
     so 3 weeks ago I promised a less active of ours if she read her book of Mormon every day she would be able to find a job. so for a long time we would come over and she would say she hasn't read.... so we would sit down and read with her. and this last week she called us and told us she read. then she would call us a lot more and tell us she read again. and yesterday she called us and told us she found a job!!! which was a huge miracle. im so glad she finally started reading and she got blessed for it.
     we had exchanges this week which was also a lot of fun!
love you all
love sister sommers