Sister Sommers

Monday, November 4, 2013

Working hard!!

On Monday last week we carved some pumpkins with the pioneer sisters. It was a lot of fun. Then after that my comp and I went over to our bishops house. We meet the elders in our ward there. And we had a meeting with our bishop on what his vision for the ward is and how we can get the ward to do missionary work with us. After that meeting we had a few more apts. Then we went back to our apartment and the Nebraska city sisters were there. They spent the night in our apartment with us.
    Tuesday we woke up at 5 am and had to travel to grand island with the Nebraska city sisters for zone conference. Zone conference was really fun. we had some really good trainings and we learned a lot. it lasted all day. we got back to our apartment at 9pm and so the Nebraska city sisters stayed the night again.
    Wednesday the Nebraska city sisters left. We went out and we taught a few apt. Then that night we went to our wards trunk or treat. And we saw a lot of less actives we are working with. Then after that we went to the stake center and we went to our sign language class which was a lot of fun. it was my first one and I was able to learn so much from it.
    Thursday. during one of the lessons we taught it was a really hard lesson. The lady is going through a really hard trial and her faith is being tested really hard. So my comp and I at the end said a prayer with her and at the end of the prayer she said she was able to feel hands on her head and she had a really good feeling inside of her. and we told her that was the spirit then we told her we had to go. (we like to make the spirit really strong and then leave. That way when we leave the spirit is still there) for Halloween we had to be in by 6 pm or in a members home. our president said that he wanted all missionaries off the street by 6 pm. Our ward mission leader invited us to come to there house for Halloween. So we had a pizza party at his house and we carved pumpkins. and we just hung out it was a lot of fun.
    Friday we went and tried people and taught lessons. around 9 at night the Nebraska city sisters drove up and spent the night
     Saturday morning we went on exchanges with   the Nebraska city sisters which was fun. when we went to eat lunch we ate at noodles and the manager was Mormon and he gave us 50% off our meal which was really nice of him. We went and tried a lot of people and we knocked doors but we didn't have that much success. all the missionaries got invited to go to the stake center for the adualt conference of stake conference. and the whole time they talked about missionary work and how memebers and missionaries need to come together. it was really cool there were a lot of good talks
    sunday stake conference they had a lot of good speakers and they talked the whole time about how members and missionaries need to come together. they actually invited our mission president and his wife to speak at stake conference. so it was fun to see them. and there were some really powerful talks.
I love and miss you all
Love Sister Miranda sommers

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