Sister Sommers

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I had Wonderful week!!

Hey how is everything going? I didn't get a chance to email yesterday because it was vetrains day so all the libraries were closed so our president told us we can all take an hour on Tuesday to email. This week was really good. we were super busy and have a lot going on.
   Monday: For P day we went to the pioneer sisters house and we listened to music (don't worry it was church music) and we wrote letters and hung out. Then after that when p day was over my comp and I traveled to Omaha for exchanges.
   Tuesday: we went on exchanges with the millard sisters. We had a lot of fun. we had a lot of fun and we taught a lot of lessons with them.
    Wednesday: we were back in our area and we had district meeting and we taught some lessons. When I first came to the area in September we had an investigator drop us my first week here. and we had a feeling to call so her. So we called her on Wednesday and she said that she is so glad we called because she noticed that when she dropped us she could feel her life got harder. and she has been wanting to call us but she has been to scared. But she was happy because we called so now we are meeting with her again and teaching her again. Which we are super excited and happy about.
   Thursday: we got a call this morning from one of the less actives we are working with and we found out that he is in the hospital.  So we went over to the hospital to visit him and we found out he as pneumonia and empyema. We were able to share a scripture with him and say a prayer with him. and we were able to call his home teachers so they could come give him a blessing.
    Friday. we came up to Omaha again because we had leadership counsil. It was really good. There were a lot of really good trainings and it was a lot of fun. after leadership counsil we got to go on mini exchanges with the Florence sisters which was a lot of fun. We taught some really good lessons. Then after the mini exchanges my comp and I Drove to the elkhorn sisters house. and we spent the night there.
     Saturday we went on exchanges with the elkhorn sisters. It was really fun. During one of our lessons we taught the restoration and I got to recite the first vision and it was really cool and a really powerful lesson. after that we went tracting for two hours and didn't get bored once. we had so much fun!!! and we had a lot of really cool experiences. One of the cool things that happened was we went to this one house and this guy answers the door and he says hes not really interested but he would listen to what he had to say. So we started teaching him a mini lesson on his front porch and in middle of the lesson he started crying and said wait here and he ran inside in house and came back out with a pic of his wife. and he told us that she passed away not to long ago. he said that he know his wife is an angel right now and that she sent us to him to help him out in his time of need. and he agreed for the missionaries to come back another time and teach him a lesson. It was a really neat experience!!!
we went to the trail center also to drop off some papers to sisters. Sister barton said sister sommers come here I need to show you something in the gallery. So she grabbed my hand and pulled me in there and she pointed at a map that the pioneers used to come to salt lake and she said what do you see? and I said I see a map that does not have a lot of details on it and its super hard to read. and she said exactly! the pioneers didn't know exactly where they were going but they knew the lord did so they trusted in him and they knew he would take them were they needed to be. Then she said sister sommers 2 years ago did you think you would be serving a mission right now. and I said no the age was 21 for missionaries then. She was like exactly and said that even though our map for ourselves may look like the pioneers did and our map for ourselves might not have a lot of details on it. the lord has a map for us and we just have to be faithful and put our trust in him and he will make sure we are following the map he has for us. She told me that when she was giving a tour someone in the group told her that so she wanted to share it with me. It was really cool and really true
     Sunday it was fast sunday for us because the week before was stake conference. Every fast sunday the young women like us to come in and be in there class so it was fun being with the young women.  
   Will I hope everything is going great. I love you all!!!!

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