Sister Sommers

Monday, November 18, 2013

Really cool story!!

Hey everyone
So the elders in our ward told us this really cool story this last week. They told us that on Wednesday they decided that they really wanted to find service project really bad so they decided to pray really hard hoping that they will find service. and that same day a less active that we work with told us she needed some big things moved out of her yard and she asked us if we could get a hold of the elders to see if they could move it for her. So i sent a text to the elders asking them if they could do service for her. Which was really cool because they got the message i sent 10 min after they finished praying for service. and then they went outside in service cloths and they found so many people to do service for and they ended up doing service like the whole day. They said it was really cool and how receiving the message from us was an anser to there prayers. it was a really neat experience i thought
   Tuesday we went and we taught a lot of lessons and we went and tried to find people.
    Wednesday. We had zone training. which was really fun. we have a really good zone and we had a lot of good trainings. we taught our progressing investigator and she told us she didn't want to change and she doesn't belive she can change, and my comp and i were able to  tell her that she can change and its not to late to change. and she belived us so now this week we are hoping to start seeing a lot of progression in her. After that we went on exchanges with pioneer sisters. And we went to a dinner apt and they had a dog that looked just like oakly it was sooooo cute!!! after the dinner apt we tried to find people which we didn't have to much success which was alright.
      Thursday we went on exchanges with nebraksa city sisters. They had two houses that they have been painting so we went and painted with them. then we traveled to Omaha and went on exchanges with elkhorn sisters. and that was a lot of fun we taught some good lessons and talked to a lot of nice people.
     Friday we went on exchanges with lakeview sisters. they are really nice. we taught lessons and we had a lot of fun. we had a dinner apt that night and the daughter is turning in her mission papaers so she was asking us advise and stuff like that and she was just asking what she can do to prepare. it was a really fun dinner apt and she was really nice. She wrote our emails down so she could email us when she gets her call.
     Saturday morning we did studies with the elkhorn sisters then we left and president called and said that there are some former missionaries that came back to visit the mission and he told us we could go to lunch with them. because they were super close to my compainion. So we went out to lunch with them and it was a lot of fun they were really funny!! after that we went to the trail center to drop some papers off. and one of the sisters i came out with i could tell she was struggling and having a hard time so i had a feeling to pull her to the side and talk to her and it was really cool cuz as i talked to her the spirit just spoke through me and told her exactly what she needed to hear. it was really cool. Saturday night we had ward correlation which was really good.

I love you all and hope everyone is doing really well!!!
Sister Miranda Sommers

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