Sister Sommers

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Many Miracles!!

This week went a lot better. I was not as sick which was good.
Monday we had p day and we didn't do much just got a lot done that needed to get done
Tuesday we taught a lot of lessons and we went tracting. it was really cool because we visit with one of our less actives named rossetta and a couple time the week we do service for her and we go fill up buckets of water with her. and while doing that this week there was another lady there named mellissa and she talked to us then she said hey are you Mormon missinoaries and we said ya then she   talked about how she used to live in Utah and how she thought the Mormon culture was cool. and how she had a friend give her a book of Mormon. so we kept talking to her about it. Then I asked if we could come by to teach her more and right away she said YES I WOULD LOVE TO LEARN MORE. so we set up an apt for Friday. it was really cool though because her friend who gave her a book of Mormon didn't know that she would meet with missionaries in a few years and its cool cuz the lord has been preparing her for us.
Wednesday we had zone training. and we taught a lot of lessons then we went to a relief society party. we also found out someone got murdered in our area... right out side one of our recent converts house that we work with. so we are not allowed in that area when its dark outside. good thing we have the spirit which was tell us if we are safe to be in certain areas during the day :)
Thursday we taught a couple lessons. we were in for a lot of the day because my comp was sick in bed. but we were able to go out for a little bit which was good.
Friday we weekly planned. and we also taught lessons
Saturday we taught lessons. and we had coordination meeting and found out we were getting a new ward mission leader. we also taught mellissa and that lesson went really good. we taught her the plan of salvation because she was talking about loved ones who have passed away and the lesson went really well.
sunday we had ward counsil then we had church and we taught some lessons.
our baptism for January 25 isn't going to happen we haven't been able to get in with Kathy in a while she hasn't been keeping her apt. :( but our baptism on feb 15 will most likely happen which we are excited for laura is so excited and she just keeps getting more and more excited.
Everything is going good. and we are seeing so many miricles. I am so grateful I get to be serving a mission this is an amazing experience!!!!

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