Sister Sommers

Monday, January 6, 2014

Baptism's to come!!

  On Tuesday my comp and I set our investigator Kathy for baptism for January 25!! it was cool because it was our first lesson with her and she was just telling us she wants peace in her life and she knows this is were she will get it. 
         This week was sooooo cool. On Saturday we found 4 new investigators!!!!! it was crazy the lord is blessing us like crazy.
        Sunday we had such a really cool fast and testimony meeting. before church we went to ward council and the bishop was talking to the ward counsil asking how can we get the lord to trust our ward with his children (so how can we get blessed with new investigators and members at our church) and the conclusion was to just show the lord that you will love them and to fellow ship and become friends with our investigators we bring. So then during fast and testimony meeting my comp and I have our investigator and her grandson sitting with us and 3 of our less actives sitting with us also. and One of our less actives gets up to bare her testimony and it was soooooo powerful the room was just filled with the spirit and she talked about how she has had her life with the gospel and with out it and how she wants to have it back in her life. Then 10ish min later. our investigators stands to bear her testimony and we were surprised the spirit just took over her and she went up and she talked about how she has been having a hard time and how being there today she knew this church is for her. Then she said I WANT TO BE BAPTIZED. my comp and I were sitting there with our moths wide open and we had huge smiles on our faces. and it felt like the whole ward just looked back at us. it was soooo cool. we have been working with her for a really long time and she knows its true she has just been afraid of making the step to be baptized. it was sooo cool. we were speechless and the whole sacrament was like crying cuz the spirit was sooo strong. and it was amazing. so after church my comp and I went to her house and we set laura for baptism. for feb 22. we have to wait for her back to heal from surgery so that's why its in a couple months. but we are praying her back will heal fast. it was the coolest experience ever. Then after sacrament meeting we had everyone sorronding us and our investigators and less actives and so they felt all loved and like they belonged. it was soooo cool!!!!
       So winter hit Nebraska and it is freezing here!!! and school got cancled for all the kids cuz it was sooo cold. my comp and I went running the bike trail with a member this morning we were frozen. but it was sooooo much fun!!!
will I love ya all and I hope everything is going well!!!!

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