Sister Sommers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Made it through transfers!!

Hey how are things going? this past week was really good. On Monday we had dinner at the ward mission leaders house he was dead set sister vance was getting transferred so they had us over for dinner. (even though they have us over every other week and the week they don't have us they have the elders) But we had a fun dinner at there house like we always do.
   Tuesday was transfer calls. Which is when president calls and tells us if we are getting transferred. He starts calls at 7 am and it goes till about 12 and so you just wait. We didn't get a call so we were very excited. Then we went to district meeting and we took our family photos (photo of our district)
      Wends was transfers. Me and my comp were not getting transferred but we still went to transfer point because our car was getting transferred. Our car got transferred to grand island and we get there car.
     Thurs we had an appointment with the lady we had set for baptism for October 12 that fell through. and she stood us up again and wasn't there for our apt we think that she is going to drop us :( it makes us really sad because we loved working with her and she kinda just stopped.... so we will see what happens..
      Friday was temple day for our zone!!! it was so much fun the Omaha temple was sooo pretty we had a great time there!!! I cant wait till we get to go again.
      Saturday was really good we had the baptism. It doesn't count as a convert baptism but we are still counting it as ours. 6 months ago this couple got baptized and there 8 year old daught decided she wanted to get baptized so she asked if we could teach her so she would forsure know she wanted to so we taught her all the lessons and worked with her and she got baptized Saturday she is so cute. now we are working with that whole family to get them to go to the temple.
        Today we went to a pumpkin patch this morning it was soo much fun we went with 14 other sisters and 6 senior couples. it was soo much fun. the way we got the senior couples to go was teling them they could watch the pig races it was fun we had a blast there today!!!
      Everything has been going great!! love you
Love:Sister Sommers

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