Sister Sommers

Monday, September 9, 2013

Here In Lincoln Nebraska!!

Well, I'm finally in Nebraska! 
The people here are really nice, and friendly. My mission president is also really nice; they really are all so sweet! We have also been super busy so the days go by so fast.

It's hot and humid here so there are a lot of huge bugs, and it's kinda strange because a lot of people are missing teeth.

Oh! And Nebraska is the 7th in the nation for bed bugs. So when me and my comp. get home at night we have to spray all of our clothes, us, and our stuff down with alcohol, to prevent are apartment from getting them.
It's soooo gross!!!!!

My first area is the Trendwood ward which is in Lincoln Nebraska.  My companion right now is Sister Vance and she has two more month until she goes home. We actually have two set of missionaries over our ward, because the ward is so big, they have us and a pair of Elders. They split the ward up half and half, so we get half the area and they get the other. We also have people who have us for dinner at least  three times a week. It is a really nice ward.

I love you tons!! I can only write on Monday, so you will only receive letters from me once a week. I really enjoyed talking to you guys on the phone though at the airport. Have you been getting my letters? I can only write on Monday because my mission president says he does not want us getting distracted. He says that if we get lost in the work and only write on Mondays than time will fly by and we'll be home in a blink of an eye.

Right now we have about nine investigators, and we have one with a baptismal date on October 12th.
We also have had to give up two of our investigators recently. We had to give one of our investigators to the University Elders today, and we are turning another investigator named Chris over to the Elders in our Ward.

There was a bit of confusion with the Elder missionaries in our ward and us because we were both told that we were going to be teaching Chris, even though only one of us can. We ended up deciding to let the Elders teach Chris to cheer them up, because they have been feeling down lately, and most of their investigators end up having us teach them because they prefer Sister missionaries. :)

We also recently went to Winter-quarters, and it was really cool. I hope for part of my mission I can serve there, it is a really neat and spiritual place. 

I love you all so much and miss you tons!! Make sure to tell everyone to write!!

              Write back soon,
               Sister Sommers

1 comment:

  1. Sister Sommers, you and your beautiful skin tone are amazing! Glad you're doing so well! Love you tons :) xoxo

    auntie rose
