Sister Sommers

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Miranda's First Letter From the MTC!

The MTC has been a lot of fun, it reminds me of EFY! The spirit is so strong here and I feel my testimony growing everyday. The first day I got here was so hard that when I left you guys I started to cry, but I ran into Tasha Scheffler and she has really helped me.

My companion is from Ogden she went to Northridge, and she is so nice.  So far I was made a senior companion, and my companion and I were also called to be the music coordinators. It should be a lot of fun, even though I am not very musical. :)

I know this is where I a suppose to be! I love what I am doing, although I have to admit that the food here is not very good. Everyone else love it, but I think I just miss your cooking Mom.

When people ask me where I am from my district always says, "Don't let her skin tone trick you!" We have people here in our district from Hawaii and Arizona, but I am tanner then all of them!

The teachers here are the best, I am learning so much! They are tutoring all the missionaries to  understand the Book of Mormon easier.  We also taught our first real investigator as a district yesterday, it went really well.

I love everyone in my district! They are all so smart and the sprit is so strong with them. And something really cool is that when we fly out to Nebraska we will have 21 missionaries coming.

Well, I got to go!
I love you tons,
Sister Sommers

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