Sister Sommers

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fun pictures of Sister Sommers

This week we got to meet with a baptist pastor. he was really nice. (he started to bible bash a little) but we stopped it and told him thats not our purpose of comming. Later in the week we were trying a former and we were praying in the car. and this guy walks up to my window and so i roll it down and he started asking us questions and started bible bashing with us. it was sooo bad. he said he was a minister. we were just trying nicely to share scriptures. but he wasnt going to listen. so we told him we didnt want to argue and that we had to go. it was a crazy experince though we were there prob like 10 min. and he was yelling bible vesus that us and having us look them up then he was sharing not true stuff about joseph smith and the book of mormon. it was just a crazy experince. first time i have had someone walk to our car to bible bash because they see our name tags. 
   This week we did service for the member we live with and we made homemade apple sauce which was a lot of fun. and we canned the apple sauce and also salsa. it was fun. 
   oh we also got exciting news our mission president gave all of us permission to go to the movies on oct 10  to see meet the mormons if we have a inactive or non member come with us. so the members we live with invited there kids to come see it with us because all there kids are non members. and one of the daughters is comming with us and with the members we live with. so that will be a really fun experince. im really excited to be able to see it. we wil be buying our tickets this week :) 
i love you all and hope you all have a great week 
love sister sommers

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