Sister Sommers

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bed Bugs YUCK!!!

this week was really eventful...
   so at zone conference a few weeks ago they talked about how Nebraska is abouyt the 3 in the nation for bed bugs gross and they talked about how a lot of missionary housing is getting bed bugs. so they told us they declare war on bed bugs and they told all of us when we get home to do a deep bed bug inspection and they gave us a list of things everyone needs to do. so we did it and we found nothing.
   so this week we had a really SCARY EXPERINCE!!!!!!!! So on Tuesday after district meeting a member in the ward asked if us and the elders could do service for him and help him move.  so we went by and after the elders didn't know how to get somewhere so i told them they could use my gps because we didn't need it that day. so on Wednesday my comp and i are getting reading to go see a less active and my comp sister allan starts screaming and finally she calms down and im like what? and she said look at my arm there is a bed bug on my sleeve. and so i grabed a tissue and killed it. so then we called the sister incharge of housing and she said since that was the only sign and we don't have any other signs of them she gave us some steps we need to do to prevent them.
    Then the elders text us and say they are done with the gps and ask were they can meet us to drop it off so we said we were at walmart and so they came and dropped it off and my comp felt prompted to tell them about the bed bug on her sleeve. (which we weren't going to tell anyone) and one of the elders said oh we found a bed bug on the ground in our apartment last night. and so we figured out were it came from and it was from doing service and helping that member move so the sister in charge told us all buy stuff at Wal-Mart to spray our rooms and cars. so we did and we found out that we just had that one bed bug in our car and it was prob from having the members stuff in our car but we didn't have anything else and the elders also have checked and checked and they said that was the only bed bug they found to. so we got lucky and heavenly father blessed us which was good we were so scared. but we are blessed it was just one and that's there are no more at all. both the elders and my comp said they have had bed bugs in there past apartments were they have lived on there missions i have never had bed bugs and im so grateful i haven't i am going to make it my whole mission with out getting them because they are a lot of work and it takes way from your proselyting time. i have been blessed that's forsure.
     Thuesday we went to meet with our investigator that's a johovahs witness and she brought one of her friends from her church and they ended up bible bashing us... it was a really hard lesson. then they ended up dropping us at the end... this week we also have been dropped by a few other investigators to.. its really hard being dropped sometimes. 
     Saturday we had a ward party at a members lake house. oh it was so hard i wanted to go on the boat so bad. and wanted to swim. but it was still a lot of fun. sister allan and i are working on finding new investigators. we have been able to do a lot of service lately which has been fun helping out the members.
    this is from our mission presidents email this week i thought it was cool
Dear Sisters and Elders:

I hope all of you got caught in the flood this past week? Yes, the flood! The Book of Mormon is flooding this mission! Last week alone we had over 265 books loaned out! Many will be busy teaching with those return appointments! What a blessing this book is. Sister Weston made the comment on how many times the Lord is involved on every page just as He is involved in the details of your lives in this great work. Just by having a Book of Mormon in hand and showing forth that faith, the Lord is finding ways for you to find the elect. "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled, and if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them" (1 Nephi 17:3). Thank you for your obedience and your hard work! I know the Lord is mindful of you. Enjoy the flood and have a great week!


President Weston @35, B of M Page 70

P.S. "May I commend you faithful Saints who are striving to flood the earth and your lives with the Book of Mormon. Not only must we move forward in monumental manner more copies of the Book of Mormon, but we must move forward into our lives and throughout the earth more of its marvelous messages. This sacred volume was written for us-for our day. Its scriptures are to be likened unto ourselves" (1 Nephi 19:23)(President Ezra Taft Benson).
its been so grate focusing on the book of Mormon i have enjoyed studying it the book of Mormon is an amazing book i love it. we are on page 70 of the book of Mormon for those who are reading. its only 5 pages a day.

thank you all of your emails and letters i love you!!!!!!
pic of me holding a small garden snake from service
me driving on a dirt road in the rain again trying not to get stuck in the mud again
my warning

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