Sister Sommers

Monday, April 14, 2014

Miranda is in Fremont

so this week was good in fremont. we taught a lot of lessons which was great!!!!
  Monday was p day and we just rested. and that night we taugh some lessons.
     Tuesday we taught a lot of lessons and we tried people.
  Wednesday we had district meeting which was fun. it was really cool meeting all the new missionairs in my new district. we have to travel a little less then an hour on Wednesdays for district meeting which is kind of crazy because in Lincoln we were right by the church.
   Friday we had kind of a crazy experience. we had some people let us in and they told us to sit down so we did and we thought they were interested... but they pretty much just wanted to bible bash with us and tell us that there is no way the book of Mormon could be true. it was really cool though because we stayed calm and we just testified and you could feel the spirit working through us. and even though they are not new investigators it was cool because the holy ghost did soften there hearts a little bit. by the end they were telling us how grateful they are for us to have the couage to go out and share what we belive and they were telling us they admire us for that at the end. so it was cool because the holy ghost worked really strongly thorugh us which was cool.
    Saturday we had coordination meeting and we drove out to valley to go see less actives out there. which was a fun drive
  sunday was my first sunday in this ward and it was a lot of fun. the ward is small but they are all very sweet.
   that was our week it was really good. we are working with a lot of investigators but none are really prorgressing. but we have some that might start progressing soon
love ya all
love sister sommers

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