Sister Sommers

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hey everyone!!!!
   so this week was a good week we had a lot of ups and downs. but we tried to stay positive and make the most out of everything.
    Monday we had p day at the church which was a lot of fun as always. then we had dinner at our bishops house he feed us and the elders and the le mars sisters. and he daughter just returned home from her mission so it was fun talking to her. she was very sweet. we had a good time at bishops house. then after we went over how the work was going.
   Wednesday we had district meeting and it was a really good meeting they trained on becoming perfect in Christ. it was really good,. I really enjoyed the trainings!!!!! and after our district leader interviewed the arrowoods for baptism. it was his first baptism interview and after he told us that we did good at teaching them. that they are really prepared and they answered all the questions really good.
    Thursday we did service for a family in our ward who is moving we helped them pack. and then we did service at the ellis house and helped put Christmas decorations away. then we taught the arrowoods and we had bishops daughter come with us which was a lot of fun!
    Friday we got sad news one of our investigators who was going to get baptized the 10th called and dropped us. we tried to help her to change her mind but she had her mind set it was sad. she didn't have a lot of support from home to get baptized though. but its okay we know when she is more ready missionaries will find her again. and she will accept it later on. :)
     Saturday we did service at bishops store house. Then we had the baptism. it was soooo AMAZING. there were 4 baptsims nathanial who is 8 he is a ward baptism then abby who is the elders investigator and then renee and corey who are our investigators. they did all the baptisms together it was so amazing. the spirit was soooo strong!!!!! it was a great baptism. everything went perfect for it.
    Saturday night we had our coordination meeting at our ward mission leadders house like we do every week. they feed us le mars sisters and the elders every week. this week though it was snowing and they live in the middle of no were and the elders live with them. so 9:30 we were leaving and the elders decide they want to follow us to make sure we get out safely. and there car is a 2015 and they have 4 wheel drive so they go first to make a path. I follow. and our car is a 2014 we don't have 4 wheel drive and so we got stuck. but they got out and pushed and it only took like 30 sec to get me out. so I pull behind the elders and then the le mars sisters were behind us and they got stuck. and it took about 20ish min to get there car out. they were stuck really bad finally we got them out though and the elders decide they wanted me to drive their car and have the other 3 sisters get in it. and one of the elder took my car and the other elder took the other sisters car and followed me in there car out until we got to a paved road. they drove the other cars because they didn't want us slipping or getting stuck again and I drove there car with the sisters. we got to a paved road then we switched cars and the elders went back home and we made it back safely. haha it was cold and crazy pushing the car. but we are glad we made it back safe our ward mission leader was worried.
    Sudnay was really great seeing the 3 baptisms get confirmed. our church is now at 12:30 which is a llot diff then 9
    that was our week it was good. we are getting more snow its snowing a lot today. I love you all be safe.
sister sommers

haha funny story. so we are at the library emailing. and we got a text saying they are grounding the cars because of the snow....... we are like 15 min driving away from our apartment. haha guess we are all walking today. when the snow gets really bad and to dangerous to drive in they ground our cars which mean you have to park them and no more driving them till they are ungrounded this is the first time this year they have been grounded haha oh well we will make it fun walking today. :)

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