Sister Sommers

Monday, November 24, 2014

Amazing Week!!

Hey everyone I had another amazing week here in Sioux city iowa.
   On Thursday we had dinner at our bishops house. He feed us and the elders and we talked about how the work was going it was really good.
   Then Friday we recived 2 refferrals from church head quarters and we tried to contact them both. One of them was for the arrowood family. So Michele arrowood is a less active who referred herself so we would find her. so we went by and she said she knows she is missing church in her life and she needs to get back to church. so we talked to her got to know her. she has 5 kids and 3 of them are over baptismal age. so we taught two of them corey and renee and set them both for baptism on Dec 26 and they are really excited!!!!! I am pretty posicitve they will make it to that date they are 10 and 11 years old. and they have a little sister that is 9 and her name is Ashley she is hearing impared and so we weren't able to teach her but we are going to bring someone who knows sign language to come teach with us and hopefully we will be able to set her for baptism. its amazing! right now we have 4 baptism sets and they are going to make it to there dates. on sunday we walked into church and we were gretting everyone at the door and we look iin the chappell and the arrowood family are all sitting in there with smiles on there faces they are so excited to be back at church and the kids are so excited to get baptized that was a huge miracle!!!
   On sunday we recived another referral from members its for a girl named Shannon who has been coming to church. she is 17 and her dad is catholic and she has been coming to our church and as said she wants to be baptized so we are going to start teaching her this week!!! pray for her that we will be able to set her this week :) lots of miracles are happening our ward mission leader brother walker told sister muasau and I yesterday that we are a powerful team and he thinks we don't even understand how powerful we are together. but he said heavenly father put us together for a reason. we had another great week full of miracles we were a star companionship this week and have 4 baptismal sets 2 for dec 13 and 2 for dec 26. please keep praying for us that we will keep seeing miracles and that our baptisms will keep progressing. I love you all thank you for everything. This week in district meeting im giving the training its on being accountable to the lord and showing you faith its going to be good. im excited for it. I love you
love sister sommers

I love you all thank you for your emails and prayers!!!!!!!!
  oh the next transfers will be dec 11th and for thanksgiving this week we are going to a members hosue so that will be lots of fun! I hope everyone has a happy thanksgiving!

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