Sister Sommers

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas From Sister Sommers

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Monday night we had the grand island Spanish and grand island English sisters come stay the night in our apartment. for zone conference in the morning which is was fun getting to know them.
   Tuesday we had zone conference and it went almost the whole day. President gave an amazaing training. He trained on the attonment. and he talked about the sacrifice we all are making for being away for chrsitmas and told us how blessed we are going to be and how this is going to be a very memeorable Christmas for us all. Then we had a few other trainings. Then we had lunch. Then president announced it was time for the gentile activities hahaha it was funny. Then we had a talent show. which was really funny. Then we had a giant white elephant game which was fun. and president and sister Weston had us all line up so they can give us each a Christmas gift from them to us and so they could hand it to us indivually and wish us all a merry chirstmas indeiviually. They gave us a book of all of our conversion stories it was really cool. Then they gave the sisters a pair of knitted slippers. one of the sisters here in Nebraska. Her mom knitted a pair of slippers for every sister out in Nebraska which was very nice. Then they gave the elders a bag of cookies. So it was a lot of fun!!! the zone conference was sooo much fun!!!
      Wednesday we Did service for a lady and we learned how to quilt. and we helped her quilt a blanket which was soooooo much fun!!!!
      Thursday we talked to one of our less actives who is struggling right now. and we told her that if she came to church on sundayshe will be able to see a change in her life and we promised her that. Then that night we got a call from her telling us all this goodnews that was happening and that everything is already changing and that she is going to church because havenly fqather is already blessing her. SO that was really cool. My comp and I got to see that promise blessings do work!!!! then we helped people move out of a house and we helped them load a truck.
      Friday my zone went to the temple. Then they had us meet at the stake center. and we all road in the transfer van to Omaha. and we went to the temple. which was soo much fun!! I think this is my fav zone. they are all a lot of fun!!!! tongith the yankie hill sister came to sleep over at our apartment. They are staying with us for a week because they live with memebers and the members son came home for the holidays. SO they are staying with us till he leaves. so for about a week. We are so exicited it is so much fun having them with us!!!!!!!
     Saturday we had a apt with our investigator who is getting surgrey on Tuesday on her back. and the elders in the ward and our ward mission leader came by to give her a preisethood blessing. and right before they came she was crying and said she cant walk and cant feel her leg because her back hurts sooo much. and that her leg was really swollen. and right after the priesthood blessings we taught her a lesson. and at the end of the lesson the swelling and redness was gone and she ssaid her leg didn't hurt at all anymore. which was really cool
     Sunday we went back to our investigaotrs house to see how she was doing. and so I could frencch braid her hair for her before suregery. and she was telling us ever since the priesthood blessing her leg hasn't hurt at all! it was soooo cool
     I hope yall have a merry Christmas. and I love yall so much!!!!!!!!!!!!
sister Miranda sommers

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