Sister Sommers

Monday, October 14, 2013

We had a very eventful week this week. Lots of stuff happened it was a really fun good week. Last Monday for Pday we went to the zoo with some pioneer ward sisters. and while we were there we were petting a cow and the owner at the zoo walks over to us and said he was having a really really bad day because his brother past away exactly a year ago today. And he said he saw how much fun it looked like we were having and he had a feeling to just come over and talk to us. So we were talking to him and he gave us a lot of free food to feel the animals with. then he took us on our own private tour of the zoo. And he showed us his camel which is in the back were only employees could see it he had to unlock gates. This camel was over 2000 pounds and it was 26 years old and 20 years old is old for a camel. So it was really fun we had such a good time at the zoo.
On tues we had our triple T. Which is the trainer trainee training. So all the elders and sisters that came out the same day as me came to this training and all of our trainers  came to this training then they talked to us in a class room and gave us a training and they had our trainers in a diff room and gave them a training. it was really fun. we all had sooo much fun there.
On wend we had zone training which we had a lot of fun at it. At zone training our zone leaders carved pumpkins for their p day so they brought there pumpkins and put them on the tables at zone training.
on thurs we went on exchanges in Omaha with the lakeview and millard sisters. It was soo much fun we taught a lot of people and had a lot of fun. then that night we all went to a murder mystery dinner. it was sooo much fun. they did it for a relief society party it was sooo much fun!!
Friday we just taught lessons and vistited people
Satruday we went on exchnages with the pioneer sisters we stayed in the trendwood area though (which is my area) it went really good. I was with sister McMaster. and we taught tons of great lessons and we had everyone agree to come to church on sunday we had a really good day. and we were knocking on a couple of doors and and this guy came to us and asked if we were chirstan and he told us he loved jesus and he tries to follow him the best he can and so we tried teaching him but it was hard because he spoke Spanish so we got his number and gave him to the Spanish elders in our area to teach.
So to tops of such a great day we were driving to the capital to trade back with the sisters and we were stopped at the stop light and someone hit into the back of our car.... :( so we pulled off to the side and got out and the guy who hit us just got married the day before. But we had to wait for the cops to come (it took forever.) and we had to fill out a lot of papers and call the mission home. luckily no one was hurt and there wasn't that much damage done to the car. so we got really lucky. so it wasn't that bad. the mission home wants us to just go get our car checked today to make sure its safe to drive and make sure everything is fine on the car. but really it didn't even hurt the car that bad which was really good.
this week we have transfers. we find out tomorrow who is getting transferred and who is staying our president starts calling at 7 amtelling if you are getting transferred or staying or if your cars are changing so we will fine out tomorrow. then if we do get transferred we leave wend morning and meet at the transfer point. I hope I don't get transferred because I have a baptism this Saturday. And the girl who we are baptizing asked if I could speak at it. So I don't want to get transferred I want to see the baptism. and our zone is assigned to go to the temple on Friday. So if I get transferred I will miss that to,, I honestly don't think I will be getting transferred which is good.
okay will I got to go. I love and miss you! . I love it here in Nebraska its soo much fun!!
I love you
Sister Sommers

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