Sister Sommers

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Fun for Sister Sommers

   So this week on Tuesday we saw our recent convert Tae-Ana and we taught her a new member lesson the word of wisdom and she is 11 years old and it was really cool a few months ago when she received the gift of the holy ghost in her blessing it said she would serve a mission and bring this joy of the gospel to many people just like the sweet sisters brought it to her. and on Tuesdayshe shared with us this persasive essay she wrote for school (before this she never said anything to us about going on a mission) and the topic she chose was why should you serve a mission. and she gave us copies of her paper and it was really good! it was really cool reading her paper and she put a lot of good stuff in it. her teacher graded it and gave her an A on it. we thought it was cool she was being a missionary by writing that her teacher prob learned stuff about our church from reading her paper that was a seed she planted. so that was really cool
    so this week and the past few weeks have been kind of hard with teaching we have been working hard with members and a few less active but we pretty much have no investigators and the elders we serve with are in the same prob we are. we keep looking but we are struggling to find. and fremont has been tracted down really well. but I have faith that we will be able to find some people. we have been working with the members and because of that we saw some miracles this week. we called a member and she had two refferralls for us. she said she just asked her neightbors if they would like to talk to us and learn more and they said yes and so this Tuesday we are going by and the member said they are really excited! so that was a miracle
    Another miracle we had our ward haloween party on Saturday and there were over 100 people there which is HUGE for fremont. the place was filled with non members and less actives. tons of members brought non member friends and lots of our less actives came so that was a huge miracle it was really cool the party was a huge success!!! we also dressed up for the haloween party we dressed up as 50s so we wore poodle skirts and a member did our hair in a 50s style it was a lot of fun. and the elders match in 50s cloths and our ward mission leader (the member we live with) matched to. so that was a lot of fun!
     Then on sunday we had 7 less actives come to church on sunday which was really good! the past weeks we had about 2 or 3 and we also had 6 non members come to church our less actives and members brought non members which was really cool! 1 of the 6 non members is the elders investigator. the rest just came with people.. I have never seen so many non members at church before. it was amazing! and even though none of them are investigating. they are having seeds planted and one day they will. and we have been working with the members a lot and we see it paying off. great things are happeneing in fremont!!!! even though the past few weeks have been really hard and discouraging. I know we will be able to find people. miracles are always happening.
     Transfers are this week. im prob getting transferred so I will let you know next week were im at. thank you for your emails and letters!
love sister sommers