Sister Sommers

Monday, March 24, 2014

Life is good in Nebraska!!

his week was sooo fun.
  Monday was p day we played tennis all day which was a lot of fun!!!
    Tuesday was a normal tracting all day
Wednesday we had distrtict meeting and all through district meeting I didn't feel good. but I just ignored it, and after we were at district lunch and my comp and the Mahoney and neb city sisters told me that my face is turning as white as snow and they felt my head and I had a huge fevor. so my comp and I got sent home for me to sleep and rest.
    Thursday was good we just tracted the whole day :) and we did a lot of yard work and service for members which was a  lot of fun. we also painted a garage.
   Friday we had exchanges I stayed in Lincoln and my comp went to Fairview. and I was with sister Youngberg. we were able to find 3 new investitagtors which was really cool. and we found a lost sheep:) but we had a cool experience. we were walking down the road and a former lived up the road and her son was outside and he saw us and starts yelling my ladies my ladies come here (that's what he calls us so its weird) so we come over and he says my dad past away of cancer yesterday and my mom is inside and she needs you. so we go in. and they asked us if we could pray with them. so we said a prayer and they were just crying at the end of the prayer. so we were able to teach them a little bit of the plan of salvation and they are now investigating again and we are excited to teach them. it just showed us that if we are obideint and have faith this heavenly father will put is were we need to be at just the right time!!!
    Saturday we weekly planned then did service then tracted. :) Saturday night our fav sisters moved back in with us again for 3 days (haha this is the 3 time they have lived with us) and so we are happy that we are able to hang out with them again!!!
     sunday we had ward conference which was really good.
I love ya'll and hope I hear from you soon