Sister Sommers

Monday, February 10, 2014

Big Changes!!

   So Monday night we get a call from the AP's and they said they have some news for us and they tell us the yankee hill sisters will be living with us for the next 2 weeks so we get super excited. then they said oh and you two starting tomorrow morning are no longer the trendwood sisters you are the holmeslake sisters...... (transfers aren't for 3 weeks so we were super confused) they said that president has prayed a lot about it and he wants us to close trendwood for sisters (so we are the last sisters in this area. no more will serve there) and he wants us to open up holmelake for sisters. (so we will be the first sisters in holmeslake) and they sadi that president is forsure about this change. and so there are people in holmeslake who need us. :) so they told us to get everything ready to be turned over to the trendwood elders. and they told us we can finish out our apt this week but no tracting or anything else. and they said we can also finish working with our progressing investigator. They also said we will be moving out of our apartments in the next two to three weeks. and we will be moving into the holmeslake area but till then we will have to travel to that area.
      Tuesday we had a huge snow storm and the cars got grounded. (which means there is to much snow and its the dangerous to drive) so they ground all the mission cars. and we cant walk to holmes lake because the holmeslake elders didn't call us back yet so we didn't have a map of the area. so we just finished some apt in trendwood then we finished the areabook and got it ready to turn over to the elders.
      Wednesday the cars were grounded for half the day. because of that we just did the same thing asTuesday and we walked to our less actives houses to say bye
       Thursday we had district meeting. we went an hour early to talk with the holmes lake elders and they gave us a map and they informed us about the area and people.
       Friday we worked in holmes lake during the day. then we went to trendwoods chili feed cuz we took our investigator who is getting baptized on the 15 then after that the trendwood elders gave her her baptism interview. (the elder is the distrtict leader) she passed the interview and is getting baptized forsure on the 15 whooooo!!!!!
      satruday we worked In holmes lake all day
         sunday we went to church at holmeslake for the first time!! they have been asking for sisters for a really long time so everyone was sooo excited and welcoming us like crazy it was soooo fun. I love this ward they are sooo nice and so caring. I love it. they are so excited for us to be in this ward. it was really cool after church our wml gave us blessings to help us adjust to all these changes that are happening so fast. and after the blessing he gave me he said that he had a really strong feeling that we are in this area cuz the ward needs me. and he just kept saying the ward needs me. so it was really cool
     So that was our crazy week but it was amazing. lots of changes happened. and now my comp sis curfew and I are now the holmeslake sisters and we get to open up the area. we are excited to see whats going to happen next
I love ya'll
sister sommers